Saturday, February 8, 2014

Winter Inspiration

I see "applique" inspiration here, even a little wool "play".
 (Click here for my Grow Your BLog Giveway!)
We awoke to another 6 inches of snow (we love it!) and I found myself inspired as a looked at all my birdhouses balancing inches of fluffy snow. I "see" a future applique design of winter birdhouses, perhaps done with wool?  Or perhaps a Folk Art design of four birdhouses, each representing a different season??? These photos will inspire some future sketching for sure, especially as I being to play with more wool.  
And I couldn't resist snapping a picture of this little guy.... was so nice to awake to a window of inspiration, especially knowing 
I have no where to go for the next two days as the snow continues to accumulate.  Here's a peek at... 

My Weekend To-Do List:

1. Shovel Snow (It's a good workout!)done
2. Laundry/Change Bedsdone
3.  Work on RSC pinks and post later today. (oh well)
4. Organize and start my Sue Spargo BOMdone
5. Create a wool sampler to practice & share my creative stitching process here on my blog. (Our Sue Spargo BOM is an unpublished pattern, thus we can not share photos of our blocks on social network sites.)done
5. Sew my Crazy Hearts together.
6. Prep Crazy Heart Tutorial
7. Enjoy some good wine, food  done and a soak in the hot tub...
it's STILL snowing, so no hot tub for me.
8. Shovel Snow AGAIN!!!!!!  done
With smiles,


  1. You live in a great neighborhood...lots of bird homes! Lol
    I guess your snow is our answer to prayers for our rain. Sorry about that.

    1. I love the snow and it's a great excuse to stay cozy inside sewing all afternoon. :)

  2. Val...I can just see your birdhouse inspired quilt! Thank you for sharing such gorgeous pics.

  3. Sounds like a great concept to me! I love snow coated things...

  4. Very fun birdhouses! ...they would be cute on a quilt!


  5. Very nice! Do you have birds that come around? I have hummigbirds..a big herd in the spring thru fall, but now...only 3 and I got a new feeder in addition to the one I had...and they won't touch the new one! I had them both out together, side by side and they devoured the usual one, and wouldn't even touch the new one..they'd hover and look and then go to their regular one! Can't figure how to get them to like the new one..other than wait till the herd comes back and surely some will like the new one!

    1. In the summer I've seen one or two hummingbirds, mostly I get a lot of sparrows. They LOVE the multiplx birdhouse and habitat all around our yard. Right now, since it's dead of winter, we occasionally see the squirrels digging up their walnuts in the yard. Pretty quiet. Esp. because we are being buried in snow!

  6. Very beautiful birdhouses! I would love to see them on a quilt!

  7. I like your inspiration. The snow however is not a favorite.

  8. What beautiful pictures of those bird houses! Snow can certainly be annoying but also can create such lovely views. PS. Sitting in the hot tub while it is gently snowing is one of my favorite times!

  9. Looks like a busy, fun and productive weekend, cold, cloudy and snow is on the way here so I am sure I will get some sewing done today!

  10. The bird houses applique would be gorgeous!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
