Monday, April 21, 2014

Jackson got a haircut!

I hope everyone had a great weekend! We went to see our grandbaby and family Friday and Saturday, then Jackson and I headed out for a day in the country yesterday to visit his breeder/groomer. He got to do everything Jack Russell's love to do: 
run with a pack, swim in canals, and explore gopher holes: 

I'm always tempted by all the puppies. Yet, by the time I get home I really can't imagine the energy of having two "Jacksons" running around the house anymore. (We've had up to three JRT's at once in the past) I'm learning in this chapter of life how to enjoy ME time without commitments and obligations outside of work.
The day we brought Jackson home 4 1/2  years ago...our empty nest baby!!
 I'm sure he'll be around for my Triangle Friday Finish photo shoot this week! LOL! (As we all know how much he loves to be in my quilt pictures!) His breeder/groomer did tell me he needs to trim down a bit...but I reassured him so did I...Spring will find us both getting our trim waistlines back. (Winter does that sometimes.  I may have spent a few too many weekends living in my flannels...LOL...but I have no regrets!) For me this means smaller meals, no sugar, wine & low carbs, more walks. For him it means smaller meals and more walks too...we got this!
I hope Spring finds you rejuvenated too!
With Smiles,


  1. Jackson seems like such a happy dog-I am in need of more exercise and losing a few pounds and inches this spring too-my little garden should help me with that-have a great week!

  2. Jackson is such a cutie! I'm sure running after him will trim you both down for sure, lol! Can I borrow Jackson? I need to take more walks and get rid of my winter weight too, lol!!!

  3. Cute little dog! Have a beautiful week. Christine

  4. I had to laugh about your empty nest puppy. Every time I'm feeling bereft of family my husband says I get a dog! He's so lucky I stop at two at a time! What kind of crazy diet requires no wine? Think that one through girlfriend and come up with another plan!

    1. The wine part will probably only last a week...the other is very doable...LOL!!!

  5. Oh my, he looks soooo handsome! Looks like he had a great day in the country.

  6. He's gorgeous! We have a JRT too , Charly is a miniature and weights 5kg. In her head she's the biggest in the house!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
