Saturday, March 21, 2015

Stay-cation Day 1: Spring Yard Work

The first thing getting checked off my Spring Stay-cation List is cleaning the yard. Which means a big breakfast like this: (I can take no credit for husband is the cook of the family! I irritate him when I even try to make a sandwich in "his" kitchen...
good problem to have if you ask me!)

So between yesterday afternoon and today, the yard got thatched:(It's been almost four years since we've done this. We didn't aerate this Fall, so lots of snow mold. We both looked at each other and promised to make sure we aerate each Fall and thatch every two years!) 

Roses got trimmed and fertilized...

...and some trees did too.

Good news! I only chipped one nail throughout all this! LOL! It was a beautiful 65 degree, overcast day. We have rain coming in by Monday so it feels good to have our spring yard cleaning done. But don't worry, all work and no play make for a dull stay-cation you may be thinking...not us! Our day will find us winding down with a nice dinner of beef stroganoff that has been cooking in the crock pot all day and us rejuvinating our achy muscles right here with a nice glass or two of wine! (Along with a few card games of Phase 10 afterwards.)
Tomorrow is a sew day for me...oh wait...I don't have to work next week...I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings. Until then...thanks for stopping by!


  1. Looks like you earned a whole week of sewing! Did Jackson get a play date?

  2. Looks like some tubby time is on the agenda...

  3. Ok, so I laid on a quilt reading my book this afternoon while I watched my hubby work in the yard and garden, but I do all the cooking at our house! Your hot tub and wine looks delightful--we don't have one at this house. It is the ONLY thing I miss about our California house. Talk about a great day 1 of your stay-cation!

  4. Exactly how I've been spending the last few days and the yard looks soooo much better. I however am all the worse for wear! That hot tub is calling to me.

  5. Productive time in the yard! I hope you have enjoyed some leisure in your Staycation as well!

  6. Good job I need a few days of wee bit more warmer temperatures before I venture out to clean up flower beds and do some pruning of roses and berry vines.

  7. Short sleeves! We're not that warm yet! Yard work! A Spring day outside! Looks like you really know how to make a day of yard work less like work! Great for you guys! A great start to the Staycation!
    Take care,

  8. It feels so good to get jobs like that done, then the fun that comes afterwards is all the better! Val, are there TWO Jack Russells in that second photo?

  9. That breakfast looks amazing! Yum! We are out cleaning the yard... well I'm watching the hubby do it. Making plans for the garden is always fun. Can't wait to see what this week of sewing comes out of your sewing room.

  10. Oh, I wish I had one of those hot tubs! I spent 4.5 hours cleaning the garage today and only got about half done! A soak is calling my name. Your yard work looks great!!! So good to use those gardening muscles after the winter, eh?

  11. Congrats on getting so much done. Yard work is on the agenda for next weekend here.

  12. Oooh...that spa looks mighty does the glass of red!

  13. You and hubby know how to make the most of a stay-cation. Congratulations on a successful first day.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
