Sunday, July 19, 2015

I don't think I like...

Crazy Quilting....
I liked the stitching but am just not motivated with all the little wool pieces.
Everytime I start to work on this, I find myself missing my applique stitching.
Hmmm....geuss I'm learning about myself that I just don't like small. PERIOD!
Not when I'm piecing and I geuss, when I stitching! LOL!
I've also learned that when I'm trying something new, to start small and try it out....rather than getting all caught up in the moment and buying all the seasonal kits available! (Oh my!)

So once again, I find myself ready to:

 I have a special offer for your slow stitichers:

I'm selling the above Summer Sampler for $20.00 and that will include the sampler I already started!
I'm selling the sampler kits below for $12.00 each (originally $19.95 each)
I'll offer free shipping. (in the US only...sorry)
Buy all three for $40.00 and that includes the sampler I started.
Email me at: if you are interested and have questions.
Kits include Crazy Stitches preprinted, water soluble stitch guides, patterns and directions. No wool. creative Karma is cleared. Now onto some applique!

Val's Quilting Studio
Everytime you link and share here at Tuesday Archives you will be entered you into a monthly drawing for a $15.00 Gift Certificate to: (pretty cool huh!)

Winners will be announced the first Tuesday of every month! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Val, Sorry this was not for you. But I give you a lot of credit to recognize it that you are not enjoying the process and are willing to move on to something else. So many quilters will suffer though something they dislike, just because they started it and feel obligated to finish.. all the while not liking what they are doing. Stitching time is too precious! I hope you find someone who will love picking up where you left off and enjoy these samplers.

    1. Thanks Debra I appreciate that. Seriously though, just packing it up, has cleared my karma and I've enthusiastically moved on. And I don't feel like I wasted my money as I'm moving the project on at a good price. :)

  2. We only can learn what we do and don't like by trying it :)
    Now you know and can move on to things you enjoy more!

  3. I have a few projects that I have abandoned along the way. No use wasting precious time on something we don't enjoy!

  4. We have to try and find out what we like. In the beginning I didn't think I would like hexies. But look at me now.....

  5. I'm with you. The stitching looks fun, but not the wool parts. Your work looks great, though! I'm sure someone will snap it up.

  6. Sorry it did not work out! I think you are right to throw in the towel, sell it to someone who will love it, and move on.

  7. Hi Val!
    So, as it goes, live and learn!
    Learn from experience. Now for me, it's one kit at a time to find out if I like it!
    I'm sure soenone would love to work on these! I'll pass!
    Good luck with the sales!
    Take care,

  8. Now you've tried it, and you have been wise enough to realize that it was nothing for you. And you give others the opportunity to try if it is anything for them! Life is too short to do crafts we don't like!

  9. SO many Quilty projects and so little time, so that means we shouldn't spend it doing things we don't actually enjoy! Someone will enjoy those kits for sure Val. I need to follow your example and thin out my "To Do"s a bit.

  10. Sometimes you have to try it before you know it's not for you. It's good that you figured it out and made a plan to keep it from sitting around in the sewing room.

  11. I have learned the hard way to try with a small item before jumping in. Glad you decided to make lemons out of lemonade.

  12. It is very smart to stop forcing yourself to finish a project you don't like. Our creative time should feed the soul, not be punishment, LOL!! Do what you like, have fun, and let the creativity flow.

  13. just as well we do not like all techniques as there are few enough hours n the day as it is to do all I want to do! I love crazy but make my own blocks. As least you are not going to spend more time on what you do not enjoy

  14. You are right about this - life is too short to spend time on something you don't enjoy. Good decision - enjoy getting back to what you love.

  15. I agree, good decision. Move on to more exciting projects!

  16. Good decision - now you know and can move onto things you enjoy working on. Too many projects in process for me right now so I'll have to pass.

  17. Good for you to decide to move on. Life is too short to spend working on projects that you just don't care for ... especially when there are so many others calling our names, right? I have to admit that I've never had any desire to try crazy quilting, but I know those who just love it. To each her own. ;-)

  18. Maybe you would like crazy quilting if you did your own thing and didn't use a kit!

  19. Been there, done that. They look so inviting and so you buy and then regret. Hope the kits find a new loving home. :)


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
