Sunday, March 20, 2016

Stay-Cation Day 2: Jackson

We spent the moring in the country at Jackson's breeder. 
As you can see he got his Spring haircut.

He transformed from "Mr. Scruffy" to....

...this handsome guy.

The best part, afterwards he gets to strut his new "do" with a pack of female JRT's 
 as they enjoy a walking adventure along the cannals. (Boy do they keep him in line!)

By the time I get him home, he's seriously one tired boy. 
(I bet you've never seen a picture of a tired Jack Russell!!)

I actually decided to leave him home from our afternoon Sunday walk and it felt wierd to not have him along. But Sunday's are my distance day and he really didn't look up to a long walk with mom.
The weekend found me crossing a lot of Spring Cleaning off the ol' stay-cation list which you know what that means: I'm free to sew and create my little heart out now. I can't wait. Till tomorrow...
This week's theme is Crumb Quilts.
Val's Quilting Studio


  1. Jackson is such a cutie. Seriously he got worn out? Glad you are knocking down your staycation list.

  2. Well isn't he the cutest little thing. All spruced up for Spring!

  3. A tired JR is a rare sight indeed! I remember you doing this last year too Val; what a fun day!
    It's so great to get the chores out of the way and clear the deck to enjoy some guilt free sewing. Have fun!

  4. I am sure it was a happy tired for him. Now that the cleaning is done, sure you will be in full crativity swing.

  5. I LOVE seeing your spring break enthusiasm on the blog. I hope you achieve a ton of stuff in the coming days :-)

  6. Good for you! Looks like you're off to a great start for a busy and fun stay cation.

  7. I also love your enthusiasm, and can't wait to see what you get up to next!

  8. No, I have never seen a picture of a JR worn out lol. Hope you are enjoying a sewy day!

  9. Too adorable! And a worn out JRT is a rarity indeed!

  10. Looking good Jackson! Hard to tire out a JRT, Charly's capacity for chasing the ball can last for hours!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
