Saturday, March 19, 2016

My Spring Stay-cation Begins!

The seats are empty, the lights are out and the first day of Spring finds me officially on  Spring Break from teaching this next nine days. 
(I think we teachers look forward to this break more than the kids do!)

I have a quilty list of projects I want to tackle, along with some spring cleaning. So, mostly to entertain & motivate myself. (I wierdly like to cross things off my lists. Notice the house is already cleaned. YEAH!!) This week I'll be posting my 2nd Annual Stay-cation blog series. 
Here's my list of Spring Stay-cation Activities I'm hoping to accomplish:
(And if I don't, that's okay too.)

My Quilty List:

  1. Quilt Sat. Sampler??
  2. Quilt a top for Project Linus (I got three done!!)
  3. Enjoy sewing my curved dots??
  4. Scrap Secrets Book Release Blog Hop: (My day is the 27th.)
  5. Cut eye spy fabric (Stay tuned: I'm organizing an eye spy swap this summer.)
  6. Rainbow girls made into a flimsy
  7. Sew Bloom blocks 7,8,9,10...prep 11, 12.
  8. Create purple RSC Flowers :)
  9. Begin Master Bedroom Quilt...this will be a queen size...may wait till summer??
  10. Plan a bright happy H2H quilt. (This will be my third year donating to Happy Chemo.)
  11. Finish Spring Wool banner.  Done! Saving to post this one the 1st Sunday in April.
  12. Make new (tied fleece) dog blankets/donate old ones to vet. (Good idea mom)

Other Spring"Things":

I'm training to walk this:
30 of  30 miles walked
  1. Mow and fertilize the yard
  2. Trim all my back yard roses and remove and replace front roses.
  3. Wash my car inside and out
  4. Spring Clean the house 
  5. Continue training for Race to Robie Creek (Goal: walk 30 miles this week)
  6. Jackson gets a playday and groomed
  7. Create a new "budget" book
  8. Get my toes ready for Spring with a pedicure 
  9. Enjoy Easter with our grand-guy
  10. Relax: enjoy stitching outside in the evenings with a glass of  wine. (Too cold to stitch outside...but did enjoy ourselves.)
As you can see, I won't be sleeping in.  But, I do hope you'll stop by often and find yourself a smile and maybe even a little inspiration. Stay tuned.

Val's Quilting Studio


  1. Enjoy your time off. Looks like you will be keeping busy!

  2. What a list to keep you busy. I'm interested in the I spy swap..

  3. It sounds like you will be busy :) I think it is smart to make a plan like that. Instead of just let the time fly away. But remember to not get stressed if life just happens and you suddenly do other things :) Enjoy your Spring break!

  4. As the child of two retired teachers, I think you are 100% correct when you say the teachers look forward to the breaks more than the students. Hope your break is well proportioned between "want to" and "ought to". Enjoy!

    1. Luckily, I don't really have much "ought to"...I'm so grateful for that.

  5. Sounds like a good balance of fun and need to do. I must clean my car inside and out before next Saturday as we will be heading out on holiday.

  6. Yeehaw! Let the good times roll!!

  7. I'm looking forward to your stay cation! I love reading what you are up to. I'm going to visit my daughter Monday and we plan getting pedicures too. I'm planning a quilt for my bed. I've decided on the pattern but not the fabric. Hugs,

  8. Wow, I think I need a nap from just reading that list! LOL
    You won't get bored that's for sure. Good luck!!

  9. Oh you and your lists! =) It's sooooooo long! It seems you will be bunkered down in that wonderful creating space of yours. Have oodles of fun, Val!!

  10. We have 4 more days of school before Easter Break begins. I love your list, enjoy the down time.

  11. What a great list. Nice to have a plan so your precious time isn't wasted... Enjoy....

  12. Have a great week! I love your lists...particularly #10 on your "other Spring" list!

  13. Wow--you are going to be a busy gal! I hope you make a dent in your list, but you may need a vacation after your stay-cation--lol!

  14. You said you won't be sleeping in, but apparently you won't be eating or showering either with that list! LOL. I feel like a slacker just reading it! Enjoy your stay-cation. You certainly deserve it!

  15. What an impressive list. I hope you have a great stay-cation!

  16. I love watching all you get done during your staycations! You have the most energized Spring Breaks ever. I used to just crash during mine--well, I did do the quilting part, but sadly the cleaning and yard work never got done until school got out.

  17. I know from my own experience that teachers enjoy the breaks even more than students! Enjoy your time off.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
