Sunday, April 17, 2016

Bam! 13.2 Miles Accomplished!

My friend, who teaches third grade, and I really enjoyed the "Motown" theme as 

Ya know that feeling of adrenaline ya feel as you first first walk into a quilt show? Well that's about what I was feeling right here on mile one! LOL! People lined the streets in support and
held crazy signs of encouragement! (I had no idea at this moment the reality of this poster!) I felt like I was part of a parade I didn't know I signed up for! The neighboorhood resistents lined the streets cheering, high fiving and ringing cow bells as we Robie Warriors gradually made our way through town towards to the foothills  mountain beyond.

The roads weaved upward and little did I know at this moment that the next 8 miles were only going to continue to incline. I started to receive texts of good luck from my family...

...unknowlingly, as we entered the gourge, that this would be my last 
communication with anyone for the rest of the day. 

The adredeline never seemed to wear off though, and I felt strong the whole journey.
As you can see, it was a beautiful 65degree day, and the miles went amazingly quick.
The Motown themed entertainment at each water stop kept me energized and smiling!

Though I will admit, reaching the Summit after NINE miles of uphill walking, 
made me one very happy camper! WHEW!

And since I couldn't feel my legs anymore, the last four miles downhill, 
where a numbing walk/jog through these wooded pathes below. LOL!

The race ends in the middle of a very rural area, thus it took two school bus rides to reach our cars.
As teachers, we never thought we'd look forward to sitting on a school bus for a half of  hour.

I woke this morning to all your comments/emails of good wishes and wanted to say THANK YOU for your genuine support! Today will find me admiring the "token" t-shirt (which we plan to wear to school tomorrow) and successful race time of 3:24:01. I'm looking forward to some slow stitching as I watch a movie or two. I'll manage to "wobble"  around to get some laundry done and enjoy a bit of sewing in my new happy sewing place. Can't think of a better recovery day than that!

Val's Quilting Studio


  1. Congratulations, Val!!!!! It looks like it was an awesome day! So happy you made it all the way and now are basking in your success. I am sure it feels great! Enjoy your slow stitching today - you deserve it.

  2. Congratulations sweetie - knew you could do it!! Enjoy a slow day.

  3. Congratulations on your amazing feet! Tee Hee get it? You are an awesome warrior woman!

  4. Congratulations, Val. YOU DID IT!

  5. Congrats! That is quite a feat/feet!

  6. Proud of you girl. Take a couple of advil and relax.

  7. Congrats Val, that looks like a tough course, but very pretty & perfect weather! Your suits' are a hoot!

  8. Yahoo, you! Great location for a race. Congrats from finishing strong and having a great time while doing it.

  9. OMG! You are amazing!! Congratulations on completing the half marathon! I've only done that once and had blisters for months! Beautiful scenery too! Love your energy!

  10. Well done. You did it. Great achievement

  11. You are amazing, I could not do that. Way to go!

  12. Congratulations Val; that's a real achievement. I'm glad you enjoyed it, including the bus ride!

  13. I love athletic events, there is always a real comraderie amongst participants and terrific sideline support. My last one was three years ago a 30 mile undulating cycle on a VERY windy day! May 7th I am doing a 5 Mile run\walk event to benefit the high school I volunteer at. But this weekend we are buried knee deep in snow so I'm a little jealous of your sunshine lol

  14. wow that was a good walk you did, bad enough on the flat but to go up and down steep hills/mountains I take my hat off to you and a big well done from me

  15. Whoot whoot whoot!!! Fabulous! What an accomplishment!! Yay you!

  16. "Ain't No Mountain High Enough!" Val that is just so awesome! Hip Hip Hooray for you and your friend finishing that walk! It sounds like a doozie. What a beautiful area though and Motown is the best theme!

  17. Congratulations! What an amazing thing you did!

  18. Congrats on an amazing walk!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
