Sunday, November 27, 2016

New Applique Project Prepped

I've really missed having a applique project at hand, so am grateful to have had the time over my holiday break to prep these as I begin the first of four Seasonal Celebration wall hanging quilts.
The perfect Slow Stitching as I sip my morning coffee and enjoy yet another sappy Hallmark Christmas movie during this cold, overcast Sunday we are having.  
Linking up with everyone else at Kathy's:

Val's Quilting Studio


  1. Great new project! I get a nervous, itchy feeling if I don't have some handwork at the ready.

  2. I love to tape sappy Christmas movies to watch when I'm doing my handwork, also! Exactly what I was doing this morning!

  3. I can't remember the last time I just watched TV without some project to work on. I especially like the tree block on the far right.

  4. Oh, like what this looks like already - enjoy some unwind time. I have Hallmark on too.

  5. Good to get something sorted for an easy go to project

  6. happy appliqueing sounds like a good Sunday project

  7. Those look like interesting projects. Great for slow stitching.

  8. FOUR quilts? Wow Val, you are amazing. The prep work looks fun.

  9. It is always nice to be able to just sit down and stitch without having to stop and prep something.

  10. Like Jeanna my first thought was 'FOUR quilts?' I hope you enjoyed your peaceful stitching.

  11. Looks like you got a good start on your new project. Hope you enjoyed your slow stitching last weekend.

  12. We are all jealous that you got to spend your day stitching and enjoying a movie.

  13. I feel in need of a similar day. This morning started badly. Since the weather is also bad, maybe I will spend it with movies and cocoa and stitchery...Yours looks very cozy :)


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
