Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Surprise Happy Mail!

How wonderful to walk to the mailbox and receive not one, but two surprise Happy Mails!
 Inside each I found much to smile about!
I won the magazine from Em's Scrapbag as she celebrated having her Baby Blooms pattern published in this edition! How cool is that! (And how lucky am I to now have a copy of it!)
The other was a surprise from my good ol' blogging friend Nita.
Her personal letter touched my heart and certainly made me smile...oh the eye-spys did too!
I can't even remember the last time I wrote a hand written letter?? Can you??
Yet, as we prepare for Thanksgiving, I find myself sentimental as we dig out old family recipes.
I smile at my mom's handwriting and am always amazed as I reflect upon the advancements since my own Granny's days of typed (like typewriter typed) recipes that are to this day, kept tucked in my mom's  Betty Crocker cookbook. So grateful I preserved these in a scrapbook so many years ago.
Thanksgiving Traditions Scrapbook 2006
Well, Thanks Em and Nita. 
I've ever grateful for the support and friendships found in our little blogging community.

Val's Quilting Studio


  1. Love the cookbook / scrapbook idea. You have some precious memories there.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.


  2. I really love handwritten letters. I miss getting fun letters in the mail, it is all junkmail now. Lucky you! Happy Thanksgiving Val.

  3. happy thanksgiving and how good to have reveived 2 surprises in the post. I still write with a fountain pen, still do not know hoe to write a letter on the computer!

  4. Hope you had a very Thanksgiving! Congrats on the fun winnings. I usually hand write thank you notes and I've gotten a few when I've been fortunate enough to get those type of fun squishes in the mail.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
