Thursday, December 22, 2016

My New Embroidery Machine!

Welcome to the "family" my new-to-me Embroidery Machine!
Yep, I've been keeping an eye out for a good deal...and I finally found a great one.
Merry Christmas to me!!

 I took my introductory class on Tuesday. 

I then spent the better half  of Wednesday's 8 degree, freezing fog day 
learning about VP3 files and uploading software. 

I even figured out how to download a pattern, convert it and get it on my sewing machine!
(This IS big deal stuff for I'm usually a little impatient at this kind of thing.)

Oh the sewing wasn't without some errors...but I just kept telling myself what my instructor said: "Give yourself time to learn" . 

 I got things back up and going in no time. I mean what's a little tension anyways!

It was so fun to watch this little guy evolve...

I had a "dense stitch area"  issue when I switched to the black. Thus, I messed up his little black toes and you'll notice his face is a little "off" LOL! But I'm learning. And our grand guy has a new pillow: 
I just used some scrap minky and flannel to whip this little pillowcase together. He'll love it!

It has "warmed" up to 15 degrees today, but even Jackson won't go outside for a walk. Lucky  me! That means I now have more time to make all the the kitchen towels pretty and enough time to finish the quilt I have on the long-arm before all the Christmas activities begin!
Happily sewing on this Winter Break of mine.

Val's Quilting Studio


  1. Oh you are going to have so much fun. A well deserved Christmas present

  2. Looks good to me....I'm a little bit off too:) I know you will enjoy and have fun learning a new trick or two.

  3. You are going to have fun with it. Merry Christmas.

  4. Looks like you are going to have a great winter break!! Have fun with your new toy.

  5. Enjoy your new toy and stay warm!

    You guys have a Merry Christmas :)

  6. I can see you will be having plenty of play time on your new machine, have fun and remember to share what you do with us all.

  7. What a great new toy. Hope you have plenty of playtime over the Christmas break. We don't have any snow but it is cold, especially in the wind, and very grey. Scamp isn't too keen on outdoor activity at present but maybe we'll have some sun over Christmas and we can do a couple of long walks.

  8. Congratulations on your new addition! I have eyed these embroidery machines but couldn't really envision what I would use it for. So I will be looking forward to seeing what you do with this! Fun!!!! Stay warm my friend by your fabric!

  9. Congrats on your new machine. And a big thank you for your idea for minky scraps. I would have never thought of borders on a pillow. I'm sure your grandson will love it.

  10. Beautiful machine Val. Congratulations on it- what a wonderful gift. "Warmed up" to 15° ? That's really still cold.

    1. Oh, I did not intend for that to sound sarcastic. 'Hope you are all staying warm. Happy holiday wishes :)

  11. What a fun present! Have fun learning new stuff over the holiday break. Have a very Merry Christmas.

  12. Good for you, Val. I am on my second embroidery machine and love it. I hope you get much enjoyment from yours. Happy Holidays!

  13. What a great gift, you are going to have soooo much fun with this! I've seen a lot of fun embroidery designs either incorporated into quilts, digitized specifically for them or used as quilting patterns. Your little guy's pillow is cute, let him color it in to downplay the practice oopsies.

  14. I'm sure you will have fun with your new toy. I've considered getting a basic one myself but I'm only interested in using it for making quilt labels.

  15. You will certainly have fun with your new tool. Especially with grandchildren. :)


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
