Monday, January 9, 2017

Picture of the Day

Feet of snow, followed by an ice storm...why does that always happen!?
So yet another snow day...for hubby and myself. The roads are dangerously covered with ice and well, practically everything is closed in town. So we decided to have a movie day. It seems fun, but this much snow has been kinda overwhelming and a lot of work. It felt good to rest. Between the daily shoveling, we also endured our main water pipe freezing from the house to the street. Our kitchen also flooded and THIS flooded into the downstairs studio (Luckily no damage occurred there) Hey, atleast that means we finally get that new kitchen floor we've been wanting and the carpet is very clean in the studio now! Yesterday we also noticed we have a large tree limb down in the backyard. And many people have been loosing electricity. Crazy huh! 
I just got "the Call" that we will once again have another snow day tomorrow.
Which, finally DOES mean a sew day!
And like I've said before, I'm so grateful for this hobby of ours
 as it keeps me motivated during this harsh winter.
Stay tuned...

Val's Quilting Studio


  1. Hang in there Val... We are having a VERY windy day here...just ROARING thru the pine trees.... Warm though ... crazy warm for January... in the 60's!! Rain expected later in the week... fingers crossed we really need it.. ... Hugs! deb

  2. I'm sorry you are having such horrible weather but the picture of your house could be a postcard. I'm happy that the flooding didn't damage anything in the studio. Stay safe and enjoy your sew day.

  3. We are expecting an ice storm to roll in this afternoon into the evening - those are not fun! Everything is getting cancelled (even our guild meeting) in anticipation. Broken pipes are no fun. Stay Safe!!

  4. Sorry you experienced some damage. We are still trying to thaw out. That last storm was crazy! Enjoy your sew day :)

  5. We started getting another bunch of snow today. It's supposed to continue on tomorrow too!

  6. Hope you are staying warm and cuddling with some quilts. We have had a lot of rain which melted the snow, but lots of black ice on the roads in the morning.

  7. Oh dear, one forgets all the problems your beautiful wintry wonderland brings. You must be exhausted after this latest deluge. Staying in and watching movies and sewing up a storm sounds like an excellent idea. Have a lovely day, lovely Val. Stay warm......and dry!

  8. Oh my. No fun. Glad there was no damage in your studio.

  9. Still snowing here. Can't seem to catch a break! That's too bad your had water damage from your pipes - you deserve a Sew Day!

  10. It has sounded like crazy weather in so many places. Sorry about the freeze, but glad you are going to get that new floor.

  11. At least there is an up side to the freeze in - several with the new floor, clean carpet and a sewing day - hope it doesn't last too long though - your sanity mightn't last if you are locked up for an extended time!

  12. Oh my gosh that's a LOT of snow!! But look how cute your house is! I'm sorry for the frustration and inconvenience (I've had an indoor flood and it's NO FUN!) But do take advantage and get some stitching done, it relieves stress after all. Stay safe and warm!

  13. Still snowed in here, but it melted off enough this afternoon so I can go to quilt club tomorrow.

  14. such a pretty picture but causes do much trouble. Do hope that after the next flurry you are expecting a thaw will set in

  15. Oh, definitely not a good week! Hopefully things are a little better in your neck of the woods. We've had some icing, but the worst will probably happen tonight.

  16. Again sorry about all the awful weather....but it's an awfully pretty picture of your lovely home!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
