Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A Rejuvenated Spirit!

 We traded in our depths of snow and winter inversion for a long weekend in Arizona to celebrate our 28th Anniversary and my Dad's 79th birthday. (We got married on his birthday.) 
We put our feet up and soaked in the sun. 

We enjoyed beautiful happy hour sunsets which were followed by evenings 
filled with good food and conversations.  

 My husband and I even found ourselves laughing as we found ourselves tinkered around the town we both grew up in, acting like the tourists we always complained about! LOL! (Yes! I'm wearing shorts. The temperatures ranged from 67-70 degrees in the afternoons. Rejuvenating!)
This is us in front of the world famous "London Bridge". It was moved to Lake Havasu in 1970. My parents are considered pioneers as they moved there from Michigan with their four children in 1969. My husband and I both grew up here. We  raised our own two daughters here for 18 years before moving to Oregon. Thus, our visits are always filled with  nostalgia.
My mom and I always enjoy our time together. She shared her new knitting projects. We toured the new quilt store and even found some fun eye-spy fabrics: strawberries, books, bears and hearts oh my! We go to coffee, get pedicures. (Pretty toes after a winter of wooly socks is wonderful!) 

I did a little hand-stitching...but not much. It was truly rejuvenating to get away from my daily routines and hobbies. I relaxed, went for walks, and well, literally enjoyed time with family.
 Thanks for a fantastic visit mom and dad.
Wondering... how do you rejuvinate when life gets a little too routine??

Val's Quilting Studio


  1. I often wondered where that bridge ended up. So nice for you to both get away.

  2. How fun! We visited Lake Havasu a number of times in our RV. I'm pretty sure there's a photo of us in that exact same spot in front of the bridge. Us, and a million other tourists, right?!

    That book fabric is so cute! I've never seen that one before. Is it from a brand new line?

    1. I just looked on the book fat quarter selvage and found out it's a 2004 Mary Engelbreit print!

  3. Beautiful scenery, a little jealous. But I don't get into traveling too much. Happy your were rejuvenated by your celebration.

  4. Sounds like an idea break from winter. Happy Anniversary!

  5. congrats on your wedding anniversay, what a lovely time you had and as you say good to enjoy some warmer weather, our bridge looks good there too

  6. Vacations are wonderful, times to just relax and enjoy the days! Looks like you had a great time away from all the snow.

  7. Happy Anniversary! We are looking forward to two weeks in Phoenix/Tucson, coming up soon! I cannot wait. 70 degrees, and NO SNOW ANYWHERE sounds loverly!!!

  8. It sounds like a fabulous trip....and so relaxing.

  9. The fun in the sun with family sounds wonderful and Happy Anniversary :)

  10. Awe...happy happy. I'm glad you got away from the snow for a bit and enjoyed that lovely sunshine and family.

  11. Good for you! Sounds like the perfect escape from the snow and cold you've been living in!

  12. Sounds like you sure needed an escape from all that snow! I'd love to be sitting watching the sunset in my shorts! Happy Birthday to your father and congratulations to you and your hubby!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
