Friday, April 14, 2017

My Class Fell in Love with Stitching!

Oh it was so fun to watch my second graders tackle their stitching project this week.

They each had to carefully measure18" of embroidery thread...
This little guy was soooo excited he brought his project home each night and 
ended up stitching two of these elephant pouches pictured below and is now "my helper".

I had this little felt elephant pattern from when I was young, and thought it was the perfect project for my students especially as I had a ton of felt and thread, so super cost effective for me. 

Most of them easily caught on to the blanket stitch of which they used to stitch the edges of their elephant. If not, I taught them the running stitch. Once the edges were done, they then had to fold the flap up and stitch it down to create the pocket.

This was the hardest part as the kids were using a crewel needle and had to stitch through two layers.
But they did it!
Once they were done stitching, I cut two straight holes above the pockets and sewed two buttons to each of their pockets to create the closure and elephant eyes! Oh your guys, the kids LOVED this little project so much that next week I'm going to teach them the chain stitch as they want to continue to sew and add stitches to their little felt elephant. 
I'll share more next there are many more elephants in the works...
and I think you'll be as amazed as me by their progress. 
PS: If you would like a copy of the elephant pattern please feel welcome to email me with your snail mail address and I'd be glad to mail an elephant template your way.
Happy, happy stitching for sure!!
Next week's theme is: T-Shirt Quilts
Val's Quilting Studio


  1. Such a cute project, and you've given them a taste of success with a new skill. Sounds like a big win to me.

  2. What a cute project! I think kids are just so excited with new things and much more willing to give it their all.

  3. what a fun project for the kids would love to have the pattern please though |I am not a kid!

  4. Awesome project and a great learning experience for the kids. Thanks for sharing.

  5. These are adorable Val. Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. These are precious!!! Your student did wonderful projects. Hugs,

  7. So cute and such a great way to get kids interested in sewing!

  8. Such a cute project and how nice to see the children enjoying a little hand work like that.

  9. These little elephants are just the best! So much creativity and careful work put into each one. The button eyeballs just slay me!! How great that your little guys loved doing this project. You're such a great teacher, Val!

  10. What an awesome project! I love how excited they are, and that they want to keep sewing! The elephant is the cutest! Remind me what grade your students are in? I know you've said, I just can't remember.

  11. What precious little stitching projects! These little people are going to remember this for a long time!

  12. this is "sew" awesome Val-I love that you are teaching the kids the fun of sewing! loving this elephant pattern too

  13. Such an adorable and fun project for your students. I love the story about the boy who took his home each night.

  14. wow what a great class project. I really feel that everyone should know how to sew.

  15. Fantastic project. The results are adorable!

  16. What a fun project! Those are so cute.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
