Monday, April 3, 2017

Spring Classroom Projects Ahead...

Spring Break has passed. I find myself sitting at my own desk, looking forward to Spring with my second graders, pondering what it is I want to accomplish with them? I'm savoring these last few moments of quiet,  before the morning bell rings and this classroom is once again filled with the joyful energy of children and our Spring semester officially begins. 
I packed a bag with felt and threads to begin a stitching project with those who may be interested.
(Thank you so very much Tonya and Nancy for sending your extras my way!)
And...I'm beginning to plan our yearly classroom quilt:
I'm grateful for the opportunity to be their teacher. I'm grateful to be able to create 
artistic outlets for them that they normally would not have.  
It's going to be a fun Spring for sure! Stay tuned....
Tomorrow's theme is: Thrifty Finds.
Val's Quilting Studio


  1. I love that you make a yearly quilt, Val. Those are some very fortunate kids to have you as their teacher.

  2. You do such a great job with them. That quilt is a wonderful idea. My sons primary school did that when he was in 6th grade. I put all their drawings together and sewed and quilted it. It was lovely...

  3. And you will never know how your craft time with the kids will have a long term impact on them!! Such lucky kids!

  4. Oh, how I wish I could sit in a little corner of your classroom and join in the fun and learning that I know would go on there. I have said it adnauseum before, but I do believe you would be the best teacher a child could have. I just know you would spark their little imaginations to discover and learn so many new and wonderful things. LOVE the new quilt with the childrens' gorgeous. Enjoy your new semester, lovely Val.

  5. such a tidy classroom the kids will soon mess that up. So good to see you are starting another quilt with them will enjoy watching their progress and hopefully some of them will become quilters when older

  6. lucky kids....
    that pic of your grandguy and Jackson together is priceless! Off the cuteness meter

  7. Hard to believe the school year is winding down. DT reminds us almost daily how many days she has left. Enjoy the spring with your kiddos. Looking forward to seeing this year's quilt come to be.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
