Saturday, July 7, 2018

LINKY: 5th Annual Piggy Bank Challenge!!

It's that time of year when we finally empty our piggy banks and splurge on something quilty!Click the picture to read more!
This year I am once again the winner!!
Though if we're just counting our change, hubby says he's the winner.
His change total: $89.72 Mine change total: $71.43 (I saved another $115.00 in bills.)
Neither of us have decided what to splurge on this year??
Image result for thinking
So while we're still about YOU? Now it's your turn to share!
Last July 17 of you signed up for this year's challenge and even more joined through email after the linky closed. This week empty those piggy banks my friends and create a post to link here with us exclaiming your total amount saved and share what quilty purchase you're going to make! 
(FYI: The linky will be open for a week) 
Click the picture to read more!
Please feel welcome to share our "button" in your post or on your blog to invite your followers to join us here next Thursday, July 12th, as sign-ups for the  6th Annual Challenge will begin.


  1. Hi Val, really enjoyed joining the Piggy Bank Savings and sign me up for the new challenge beginning on Thursday. I should be able to sign up on the day. Hugs, Susie x

  2. We cracked open the piggy bank thurs morning to get some change for the Grandchildren's VBS collection. No less than $365.51 was coaxed out. We donated $15 in nickles and dimes. Grampa would not let them take more. I deposited coins found in various quilting project boxes, drawers and pockets. I do not carry a purse, but put my driver's licence and credit card in a pocket or my bra, grab my car keys and go. Today I found $5.50 in a pocket in the laundry to start next year's savings. And, if I do not do something with all the coins on my desk soon, they may end up back in the piggy bank.

  3. Congrats on being so successful with saving your pennies this year.

  4. Great idea!
    Now, go shopping, LOL
    Happy quilting!
    Connie :)

  5. Another good year of saving thanks to your challenge. I'm in for next year.

  6. What a nice little nest egg you saved up this year. Good work!! Enjoy your shopping spree.

  7. Congrats on your win, Val. I'll be interested in learning how you two spend your savings. Will it be quilty or possibly for something like green fees? LOL.

  8. I have a metaphorical piggy bank. At the end of each day I keep four quarters and five pennies in my wallet. The rest of the change goes into a small stoneware jar. I put all $5 bills and all $1 bills with the Federal Reserve designations B and H (my initials) into the jar. When there are enough coins to roll I do that and deposit them in my savings account. Once or twice a month I also deposit the $5 and $1 bills. It all adds up! I re-set the spreadsheet 7/1/17. As of 6/30/18 I had deposited $96 in coin and $642 in bills. That's $738!

  9. Well I finally got around to counting. Now to think of what to buy...

  10. Nicely done. I'll have to count up what's in my jar when I get home.

  11. This was fun, Val! You did great! I never thought to save bills, maybe next year! My post is up!

  12. I didn't know about the Piggy Bank Challenge, however I am a saver. Besides coins, this year I did my $5.00 bill save beginning January 1st. I have cashed in the coin (about $50.00). My $5 bank is at $ 360.00. I am saving for art classes/supplies/or a trip to TX. I haven't decided yet. I still have 2 1/2 months to save for either of these choices. It's amazing how fast the $5s add up.

  13. I am late to the party, but think this is an awesome idea. Being retired and on fixed income, I may not be as successful as the rest of you, but I am going to try this with coins that my dh gives me, cuz they are too heavy for his pocket. 8-) I am inactive on my old blog, but one of these days I just may surprise myself and get back to it and stick to it. This is my first visit to your blog, enjoyed it and will be back. Thanks


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
