Sunday, June 8, 2014

Stash Busting with my Mom!

In January, this pile of fabric did not make my 2014 Goal List. I originally bought this as a kit about two years ago to make this basket pattern for my mom. The colors are beautiful and favorites of my mom. But, as I have progressed as a quilter, I realize I do not like detailed patterns like this, so the fabric has sat.

Well, my parents are visiting for two weeks and yesterday found my mom and I "relooking" at  this fabric. After searching through patterns and with the help of her cocker, Amber, we choose to make these into a simple chevron pattern.
After almost an hour of us saying: "Move that pink one there, and that brown one there"....we were both very pleased with the end result and I can't wait to get cutting.
(After I get my  dad's twister flimsy quilted that is!)
Mom and I certainly having fun playing with fabric!
With smiles,


  1. Love the pile of fabrics and curious to see what you do with them.

  2. That's so great that you can share your love of quilting with your mom! My mom has said she could never quilt and has no interest in making something that takes SO long from start to finish. She likes quick 2 hour sewing projects, and that's that. Enjoy the process!

  3. Yeah that you found a new way to use the fabric that will please you both (you in the making and your mom in receiving. Can't wait to see it finished.

  4. That does sounds like fun, I would love to see what my mom would pick out for fabric and that's great that it has come out to see the sun and be played with.

  5. Lovely fabrics! And they will work up into a wonderful chevron pattern :) There are chevrons popping up everywhere in Blogland - maybe I need to make one too :)

  6. Those fabrics will make a lovely chevron quilt. They remind me of chocolate and strawberries and you just can't go wrong with that combination! I love Amber's fluffy paws!

  7. These fabrics look great. I'm looking forward to seeing it done. How lovely that you have been able to share great quilty moments with both your mum and daughter.

  8. good times-playing with fabric with Mom

  9. Sounds like heaven! My mum and I were chatting on skype yesterday about similar handy projects we've worked on this year. Love sharing a practical and creative skill with my mum💗

  10. Sounds like heaven! My mum and I were chatting on skype yesterday about similar handy projects we've worked on this year. Love sharing a practical and creative skill with my mum💗

  11. Oh sewing with you Mom, how fun. And I really like how they are laid out. I look forward to seeing your progress.

  12. OOooo...aawwww...I really like the idea of a chevron with these beautiful prints. Lucky mom!

  13. Thanks guys! I have to admit....we are having a great visit and her company has been nice as she knits while I sew:)

  14. It always feels so good to find a project for a pile of fabric that's been waiting in the wings. Even better that the future owner had a say in how it goes together.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
