Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tuesday Archives #18: Easter & Echo Quilting

Val's Quilting Studio
Welcome to the linky party that let's you rejuvenate your old quilting/sewing posts! 
July finds us linking up to themes starting with the letter:
(Check over in my right margin for the list of July themes)
July Tuesday Archives Linky Themes:

Today is about:


I found this perfect example of a 2011 archived Easter post at
Kim's Big Quilting Adventure:

Grab yourself a button Kim!

Val's Quilting Studio


I found this tutorial at: Shine Happy World and just wanted to share...especially because that kitty is just so darn cute! LOL! I haven't done much echo quilting...
so I found this helpful.
Video - Quilt As You Go #6 - Echo Quilting


  1. Cute kitty. I must have a look at the tutorial, it's ages since I did any echo quilting.

  2. Hi Val! I am a "returning" quilter, and a new blogger. The Linky party to first blog posts that you did for your blogiversary inspired me to finally give blogging a try, after months of reading. I am a former second grade teacher (right now working as an aide in order to focus on family needs for a while) so I feel a kind of a kin-ship with you, and love to see how you incorporated quilting in your classroom from time to time. I am hoping to figure out this blogging thing, and be able to join you here at Tuesday Archives in the future. Its one of my favorite Linky Parties!

  3. A very pretty Easter table! I will check out the tutorial on echo quilting. I have not tried that yet. Thanks for the link!

  4. Love your linky Tuesdays. So much variety.

  5. What an interesting idea to feature other quilters and blogs! Your Easter link up photo is quite beautiful!

  6. This is a fun exercise, thanks for inviting us to join along.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
