Monday, July 7, 2014

ALYofF July Quilty Goals

June was a crazy, wierd month.
But July is upon us and for me, that means a break from teaching and some well deserved R&R. (whew!) My early mornings will be spent leisurely as I take my daily 2-3 mile walks, eat breakfast late, and tend to the lawn and garden chores. (I just love tinkering outside.) My afternoons will find me busy sewing and  keeping cool right here:
Yes, with my buddy Jackson keeping me company.

I plan to complete the following list of goals before we go on a mini vacation with our kids to the mountains at the end of the month(which means Grammy time for me!):

  1. My ALYofF July Goal will be to make a quilt out of my Lucy's Crab Shack Layer pack (Can anyone recommend a quick pattern?) done! See it here.
  2. Quilt for Project Linus done! See it here
  3. Create some cute thank you notes for school out of fabric scraps. done! See them here.
  4. Oh! And finish my June ALYofF Dog Quilt....LOL! (I'm quilting it this week) done! See it here.

And of course, a habit I come by honestly from my dad, a daily 3:00 ice cream break is always in order and heck, maybe a good book read in-between all the quilting. Our days here in Eastern Oregon (USA) are long right now. It's dawn at 5:00am and dusk at 10:00pm!!! Crazy right! And well, never being one to sit still well, I'm convinced that:
I'm not as rigid in routine as it sounds. If I don't feeling like doing something one day, I don't. But more or less, this is what my summer days look like. So thanks for stopping by and letting me exclaim my July goals to the blogging universe.
With genuine smiles and appreciation,


  1. Sounds like a wonderful plan Val especially the family vacation part later in the month.. We're planning one of those too for the end of July so hurray for Grammy time!

  2. That's an impressive list! Good luck with it, and I know you must be looking forward to the vacation time later. Have a wonderful week!

  3. Fit in some blogging time! We want to keep up with your vacationing self.

  4. I wish you a wonderful holiday in the mountains and a good luck to reach all those goals! Take care!

  5. all the time in the world for fun! Here in Illinois it gets dark around 8 PM, I wish we had those extra hours especially on those warm summer evenings. ENJOY!!!

  6. Enjoy your'll need it after completing that impressive list! LOL your L O N G days!!

  7. How fun and vacation with the grands in the mountains too! I miss going to Eastern Oregon to camp.

  8. Sounds to me like you'll be able to stay busy one way or another! So glad that you have scheduled some time for you (grammy).

  9. Sounds like you have some wonderful, enjoyable, summer days planned! I love your sewing area!

  10. Wow - you're making up for lost time in June, from the sounds of it! I'm hoping to get one quilt finished. But wait! I know your secret: Jackson helps you....

  11. Enjoy your summer stitching time!

  12. Pink Lemonade (available for free at Fat Quarter Shop) is a great pattern for a layer cake. And it almost sews itself together!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
