Wednesday, July 9, 2014

One Flower Wednesday

Youngest daughter home for the summer with a broken I busy  myself sewing my hexi's as I spend time in various doctor's waiting rooms.  These summer flowers are sure to add a humorous tone to my hexagon memory quilt for sure!
Also, it's not too late to rejuvinate some of your OLD English Paper Piecing posts at this week's Tuesday Archives Linky. Annndddd....are you a penny pincher? I am! If you are too, there's still time to join a bunch of us as we clean out our piggy banks and take on the challenge to save our change for a quilty purchase come July 6th next year. This annual challenge of mine closes Sunday, July 13th. Check out the linky here and thanks to all who have joined so far! I sure hope you are next.
Click the picture to read more!
With smiles,


  1. Aww, that little bunny in the center is just too cute! A beautiful flower!
    All the best for your daughter, I hope she is well soon.

  2. I didn't know you did hexies, too! Love this flower.
    Hope your daughter mends quickly. (Will she be taking up some sewing arts... you kind of have her in a vulnerable spot.)

    1. She is actually hooked on sewing 2inch Hexagons and is creating a flower quilt. I'll have to post her adorable hexagon kit. Also her finished flowers...once we unpack them from the garage that is. SMILES!

  3. Oww, great 1930's fabrics! Love the solid, looks great!

  4. Love the bunny in the center! Hope your daughters foot heals quickly.

  5. Best wishes for a quick recovery for your daughter. Your flower is very pretty, I love 1930's fabrics for this project!

  6. Just yesterday I was given in a bunch of fabrics and such a completed flower and then fabrics to make more. Will I do it? I don't know.
    I'm already attempting to go through about 3000 hexagons that were already cut that had been given to me!
    If you checked out my blog you seen both.

    I already save my change for quilting purposes but saving for a year would be nice. Currently I'm saving for a retreat as well as a workshop and both of those are in October.

  7. Love your hexies, went back and looked at the quilt - it is beautiful.

  8. Love the little bunny, and so sorry about your daughter's foot. Wishing her a speedy recovery!

  9. What a cute bunny center! Wouldn't that make a fun 'I Spy' idea?

  10. Tell your daughter I wish her a speedy recovery. She will probably become a speedy hexie maker. Hexies are great for those times when we need hand work. So many things to make with them besides quilts.

  11. I love that hexie flower! I hope your daughter heals quickly! How fun to sew hexies together. I have a change jar, but I usually give it to someone at Christmas. I got the idea from the book "The Giving Jar".

  12. That's a very pretty blue. I love the bold red centre.

  13. Your hexie is absolutely beautiful! Did she break her foot after she got home? So sorry to hear it.

  14. Gorgeous flower and that bunny in the center is so cute.

  15. That bunny looks very "hoppy" to be right in the middle of your flower!

  16. Love the bloom from your found moments!

  17. Sorry to hear about your daughter's foot. Love your bunny center, what fun!

  18. A very sweet hexie flower Val.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
