Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Color Inspired Walk

We couldn't resist a morning walk now that the storm has cleared.
I found myself inspired by the contrast of Fall colors against the Winter *grey neutrals. 

And on a pretty random note I do have to admit...and it's probably just the teacher in me, but lately, when ordering thread, fabric, and observing nature, I have found myself wondering, how in the heck, is the color word grey/gray spelled?? Sooo I googled it! 
So, in case any of you have ever found yourself  lost in wonderment too, here ya go: 
*Gray and grey are different spellings of the same word, and both are used throughout the English-speaking world. But gray is more common in American English, while grey is more common in all the other main varieties of English. In the U.K., for instance, grey appears about twenty times for every instance of gray. In the U.S. the ratio is reversed.

Whew! Good to know! I'll sleep better now! (HAHAHA!)
Off to back soon with some quilty posts.


  1. I used to always spell it "gray" but when I'm feeling more sophisticated, I use the "grey" spelling. lol!! Gray is a very popular and modern color. Your pic is beautiful!

  2. So funny about the gray vs. grey debate. My students and I looked it up several years ago too!

  3. I have noticed that most americans spell it gray, but I've always used grey. I also use colour. You can make another blogpost about colour/color. Have you got snow already. I live near the North pole, but we have had +8-10 Celcius (+46-50 F). A funny world we live in.

  4. So funny...I have been going through that same question lately! Thanks for the answer. Have a fantastic weekend.

  5. A few months ago I googled the exact same thing! I tend to spell it grey but now am trying for the gray! Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

  6. Only when I'm channeling my British side do I use grey. I did know that though.

    What a pretty color palette - those warm fall colors and the cool grays. Or greys. :)

  7. the snow does look strange with the leaves still on the trees and makes for a colourful photo. I thought that the USA spelt grey a different way and now I know for sure

  8. Your snow photo is stangely intriguing. It doesn't look cold, but I'm sure it is. We've had a similarly sunny day here in Wellington, New Zealand, but it's spring here and we had 20 degrees C = 70 F. Time for shorts and bare feet and ice creams.

  9. Lovely photo. We are just grey (!) and damp here in the UK.

  10. Was always told to learn something new every day, Well I learned mine early today!!!!

  11. I have always wondered the same thing. I think last time I consulted my crayon box for the right spelling.

  12. Good to know, I had wondered about that!

  13. Such a pretty picture Val! It is fun to see color combos in nature! Grey / gray has always confused me too, but only because I seem to spell it the opposite of autocorrect.

  14. Thank you for checking that out, because now, I won't stay awake nights wondering about how to spell gray!
    Here in the Chicago area, we also have a dusting of the white stuff along with some fall color.

  15. I recently was wondering the correct spelling too. We got 2 inches of the white stuff this morning in Wichita, KS.

  16. Yes we spelled it with the e in Australia. There's lots of words I have had to relearn how to spell since emigrating!

  17. The way to remember how to spell gray/grey is as follows:

    In (The U.S. of) America, which starts with an A, it's gray with an A.
    In England, which starts with an E, it's grey with an E.

    And of course, anywhere that uses British spelling (like Canada and Australia), it follows the rule for England, grey with an E.

    I always had trouble, too, remembering how to spell it, until I read that handy mnemonic somewhere.

    However you spell it, I need to beef up my gray fabrics!! ;)

  18. I've been in Seattle since Wednesday, so I came back to COLD and SNOW and I must admit I'm not liking it one little bit. I'd better change my attitude, eh, because we're just getting started with the white stuff. Stay warm!

  19. Hi Val!
    It's just like colour and color!
    Take care,

  20. The contrast with the fall leaves and the snow is beautiful. Great shot.


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