Friday, November 14, 2014

A Snow/Sew Day for Me!

 Thanks for your "snow" it has continued to snow here in Eastern Oregon! We've already accumilated just under a foot of snow, with continued snow on the forecast for the remainder of the day. I geuss you can say this is an advantage of living in a rural area...buses can't get the kids...

...teachers like me have to "Keep Calm and Carry On" as I get to stay home and do this:
This weather is unseasonalby early for us all our leaves haven't even fallen and the community pickup of bags isn't until next week. But, hey,  I'm not complaining...
Time to write my "To Do" list for this surprise three day weekend I have at hand!
With smiles!


  1. Glad ytou got your snow sew day. After telling you yesterday that we hadn't gotten snow yet - yup, last night!

  2. LOL - Val, I always thought teachers must love snow days just as much as the kids! Love the star block sitting by your sewing machine.

  3. wish I was there to sew with you! We have very cold weather but no snow yet. LeeAnna

  4. I love the winter cold and snow! It feels cozy and warm in the house and it makes me want to fire up the sewing machine and sew, sew, sew!

  5. Nothing better than a snow day becoming a sew day! Hope it was a fun one!

  6. You are right! What's a girl to do if the buses cannot move? Sew day! Yippee! Enjoy

  7. I guess the best part about snow is....being in where it's warm! So glad it doesn't snow around here. Have a fun weekend sewing.

  8. Hi Val!
    Snow! I remember as a kid, if the raidio was on, very early in the morning, tuned to the local radio station, before we even got out of bed, then there must be a thick layer of snow outside! No school busses!
    I still enjoy a winter's day!
    That's quite a bit of early winter!
    Take care,

  9. it must be cold with all that snow, looks so pretty before it gets walked on and starts to thaw, hope it soon goes away, but does not come over here to the |UK

  10. Hope you made the most of your snow day.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
