Thursday, November 13, 2014

Oh My! Lots of Snow!

Let the jacket, hat and glove season begin! 
Nothing like the joy of childen on the first day of snow...

Even if it meant a bitter cold recess duty for this Second Grade teacher: 

Wasn't I just mowing the lawn and gathering leaves this past weekend?????
(The city hasn't even picked up our leaves yet....evident in the row of neighborhood gatherings below!)

Anyhooo....always love the change of seasons and can't resist being inspired by the joy of children although (don't tell them) exhausted by their enthusiastic energy as well. LOL!!(Hmmmm....I've already shoveled this 6 inches of snow and it's STILL pouring down. Do I sense a snow day tomorrow??? Which you know means a sew day for this teacher!! 
Stay tuned! Keeping my fingers crossed!!) 
Welcome Ol' Man Winter!
With Smiles!


  1. Most adults don't like snow days... but since yours is a sew day, well, we would all like one of those. Love your neighborhood. It looks real homey.

    1. Our neighborhood is homey and so nice!! I just love every season!!! Good thing about all the sewing we all seem to get done!

  2. I have to say I love the winter and snow! The clean, cold air and the coziness of bundling up inside (preferably with sewing nearby) is just wonderful! Now, I really, really do not like to drive in the snow but I try to keep that at an absolute minimum!

  3. Fingers crossed you get a snow day! We got our first snow day in 23 years last December and it took 14 inches and 10 degrees...Hopefully, we get another one sooner. Stay warm and enjoy!

  4. No snow here yet. Hope you get your snow sew day.

  5. 5 inches! Wow, already! I loved snow days! I am hoping for you! I better go look out the window and see if it is snowing here. Hang on.....OK, I am back. The grass is a little white here in Illinois but it has stopped! Have a wonderful, hopefully long,weekend.

  6. snow always looks so pretty when fresh but to be honest I can quite easily live without it, we had a snow free winter last year and trust will have another one this time

  7. Oh wow! Here it is still fall, and yesterday was so sunny and warm that I took a walk and started to sweat in my fleece jacket. I would love a snowy christmas, but for now I am happy about our long fall season.

  8. Val, you just brought back a memory that I haven't thought about in a while. I used to work in the office of a grade school and one of my duties was recess. I remember one very snowy day and the little ones were cold and just wanting to go back in where it was warm. I was talking to one little girl and noticed a snowflake landing on my glove. I showed her the flake and explained that that they were all shaped different. In a very short time all the little ones were catching snowflakes and bringing them to me to see. That lunch recess went by very fast!! Miss those days!!!

  9. Wow - hope you got that snow day! We got out first snow fall today in New Jersey - TOO EARLY!!! But it was only a few inches.

  10. The pictures made me laugh, as we are experiencing a heat wave this weekend! I have never seen snow. It looks beautiful, but I don't handle the cold very well (or the heat, for that matter). I hope you get s(n)ow day tomorrow.

  11. I'm often thankful that my teen still likes the snow as much as she did when she was little. Love the pictures on the playground.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
