Friday, July 10, 2015

A Friday Finish thru Jackson's Eyes

 " You think if I lay here and look really cute, she'll stop quilting so we can go for a walk?

Psstt...ya want to know a little secret: Mom has had this quilt hanging in the closet for three years.

She finallllyyyy got it quilted. I'm so proud of her! 
(She loves this Mary Englebright fabric, so I'm glad it's finally done for us to use.)

And ya want to know the best part?
I get to snuggle under these fun dots on the back.  
Yep...I'm such a lucky dog!

Well, mom said I did a good job posting her finish today and as you can tell by my blurry (wagging) tail in the picture below, it's time for that walk!! Thanks Mom and thank you guys for stopping by mom's blog. I know she enjoys your visits and always passes on your tummy rubs (Carole!) and comments.
Hope your day includes something that makes your tail wag too!

Val's Quilting Studio
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  1. What a cutie he is! And a lucky dog to be snuggling under a nice quilt.

  2. Oh, Jackson - I am so jealous of you!! I love my ME fabric so much I can't cut into it (the only line that happens to). Maybe mommy needs some belly rubs for finishing?

  3. Hurray for a finish. And a handsome quilt model. I bet he loves having you home this summer!

    1. That he does...follows me all over the house! (I love his company!!)

  4. Tummy rub for you Jackson. Thanks for modeling Mom's quilt. You are right, she did a beautiful job of it.

  5. Jackson always makes my day-congrats on the finish
    hugs Kathy

  6. Congrats on the walk and the quilted finish. Sometimes the longer it takes to finish something the more exciting the finish is. I was going to ask, does your longarm do the digital pantographs?

    1. It has taken me a few years to learn how to "nest" rows, set blocks, size....actually I'm still learning! LOL!!! BUt am looking forward to more FMQ and playing with rulers a that I have this under my learning curve.

  7. Just love the colors, they go perfectly in that room. Of course, Jackson adds a very special touch. Absolutely beautiful.

  8. love your newly finished quilt! what great fabrics and colors. Love Jackson too - coco does the same to me. I have to catch up on so much blog reading!

  9. Jackson you ARE a lucky dog to have such a beautiful quilt to hide under. I love ME fabrics, too!

    I hope you enjoyed your walk and got lots of tummy rubs. Your Mommy is lucky to have you, too :)

  10. Hahahahah - I love you Jackson! Tell Mom she did a great job and she has to enter your post on Pets on Quilts!

  11. Dawww, he's a sweetie! And did such a good job showing off your finish too! Lol. :)

  12. Awww, Jackson, you did a great job with those pictures!! Yes, you get another tummy rub!

  13. Jackson, you lucky dog, you! Samson is sooooo jealous! And since Carole already sent you a tummy rub, I'll send you a good ol' ear woofle!

  14. Jackson, you are a very cute dog and lucky too, to be able to snuggle under such a gorgeous quilt! I love the fabrics as well. I hope you went for a very long walk with the lady of the house!

  15. Jackson's new quilt is bee-yoo-tee-full! Love his personality, it shines through, especially in that final tail-wagging, can-we-go-now-can-we-go-now-can-we-huh?-huh?! I also just adore that first shot! Bella, my cat, does that, stretches out her back toes, crooks her front paws, twists her head, come ON, you know you want to rub this tummy! Too funny. His EYES in photo #2 as well--!! So wise.

  16. I love your quilt! It's so pretty and cheerful. Tell Jackson he did an excellent job show it off. Hugs,

  17. Jackson is a very lucky dog! What a cute quilt for a cute dog!

  18. Jackson is an adorable dog! I bet he is a fun quilting companion. I love your finished quilt!

  19. Tummy rubs to Jackson and greetings from Victoria and Albert, my canine quilting companions. this is a great finish, lovely fabrics, pattern and quilting! Glad you were able to get that out of the closet and onto you bed!

  20. Visiting from Confessions of a Fabric Addict. Jackson, you are one adorable dog. I'm glad you got to go for a walk and get some quilty snuggle time in, too. You're an excellent model.

  21. Oh Jackson aren't you adorable! And that is a lovely quilt you have to snuggle under - lucky pup!

  22. What a cutie!! I love Jackson! ... and I love your ME finish! It looks great on that bed and Jackson looks great on the quilt! Win-Win! Congrats on getting it done. Every quilt gets finished in it's own time. :-)

  23. Jackson is too cute! And I love your finish!

  24. Jackson is so stinking cute! I am glad he likes the new quilt, I do too! LOL
    Give him a little belly rub for me please, he has a future career in modeling for sure.:)

  25. What a fun post and pretty finish! :)

  26. Oh Jackson your mom definitely did a good job getting it finished. Make sure you thank her properly for making it possible for you to snuggle under it.

  27. What a cutie! The quilt is very cute with ME fabric too!

  28. Jackson is such a cute little guy and it's obvious he adores your quilts. Congrats on the finish. It turned out beautifully.

  29. Loved the post - my dogs would say the same things! He's a cutie! Congrats on getting a UFO quilted and in the finish pile! I need to do the same, but I have to do walkies and go to work so I can buy dog food and treats! :P

  30. What a cute post with such a cute doggie! Congrats on the finishing of your 3 yr wip-always a good feeling! Oh yeah sending tummy rubs-for the dog of course, LOL

  31. Finishing a UFO always feels great, good job! And Jackson is the absolute cutest. Hope he had a great walk and you too :)

  32. Oh you did make us smile, both you and the quilt are lovely!!! Have got to put th borders on two quilt tops with Mum and they will be ready to quilt. They look lovely when you get them back!

  33. The quilt is absolutely beautiful! Hope you finally got your walk!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
