Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Tuesday Archives #71: Selvage Projects

Hey Hello! Hello! and Happy Tuesday Archives! 
Val's Quilting Studio
First, click on over to here if you are thinking about joining our challenge.
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And...welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
You can always click here to read more about this linky party if you are new to this ol' blog.

Isn't it great we have a sponsor for our linky!

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Thank you to Fabrics N Quilts as our linky sponsor!! Yep, everytime you link and share here at Tuesday Archives you will be entered you into a monthly drawing for a $15.00 Gift Certificate to their online store. (pretty cool huh!) The winner will be announced the 1st Tuesday of every month!
 Also, I know some of ya have already checked out the new Tuesday Archives Directory page at the top of by blog, under the header. I hope this makes our past themes easy to access and past inspiration quick to find!  Okay, okay, let's get on to this week's linky party...

This week's themes are is: SELVAGE Projects & Quilts! 

Okay, don't cringe, but I throw my selvages away! I know I know...but, perhaps I'll be inspired to start saving them after seeing what you all have created with them. (I even saved two selvages  yesterday knowing this linky was coming up!) See:

So I have two highlights for ya today. The first is this blog by Cindy:
Live a Colorful Life
Just click on the picture above to hop over to her project page.
I also enjoy Cindy's RandomThursdays...good humor! 

Next, I came across is this "Selvage Along": 
(Just click the picture to read more about it.)

I also found someone who made a log cabin quilt using selvages!! It was so cool!
But, admittably, I forgot to bookmark it for this post. So if it's you...please do link and share. 
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  1. I have never made a selvadge project - I save those strips and when the zip bag is full I gift them away. I added the QAL button on my sidebar as I know there are quilters who love playing with them, so thank you for that.

  2. Sadly, I've never sewn with selvages so maybe I can be inspired as well, Val.

  3. I have been putting change away for 30 years. I probably have been doing it longer, but I don't cash it in. I just find another container. Good Luck all! L

  4. I save my selvages, sew the ends together and am in the process of making a knitted rug on giant needles. It was something shown on a blog, but I can't remember whose it was. I'm finding it fun to see how the colors change as I work on different colored projects.

  5. Thanks for the shout-out!!! I love selvages!!

  6. I love the links you shared. I don't throw anything away including my selvages. I'm tired of making projects with them so right now I'm crocheting a rug.

  7. I've been resisting the selvage projects. I rather enjoy seeing others' renditions of them, but I know I can't do everything. I suppose I could be nice like Vrooman's quilts and save them for someone who does use them. It would come in handy to have them when I run out of fabric and want to search by name.

  8. I have been saving them for years, but have not sewn any YET! I plan to recover a piano bench with them, & selvedge pincushions are adorable!

  9. I've not made any thing with selvedges, maybe one day. They do look pretty cool.

  10. You have to try selvages soon, so fun to sew. And you'll be surprised with the result.

  11. Seaside Stitches made a log cabin quilt out of selvedges. Not sure if that's who you meant or not. It's not me but someone else I follow. Don't know how to link her to you. Hope this helps. Great ideas though to use selvedges.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
