Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tuesday Archives #80: Triangles!

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts.
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Val's Quilting Studio
  You can also check out all our past Tuesday Archives themes by clicking right here.

This week's theme is TRIANGLEs: 

Anyone remember this QAL?
Well if you are looking for some triangular inspiration, click here to see the SIXTY traingle quilts made during this QAL!!! I found myself getting lost is revisiting everyone's projects as it's always interesting for me to see the variety of quilts that are created using one pattern!


  1. Ha Val! I was just going to add my triangle quilt post, but you've beaten me to it! What fun to see all the triangles from more than a year ago! Most of my quilts have some triangles, but the one from the Sassy Quilter's QAL is the only one I've made with ONLY triangles.

  2. Some cute quilts, Val. I made a pinwheel quilt for my great-niece a few years ago, before I started blogging. This posted inspired me to go back through my pictures. I found pictures of almost every step of making that quilt EXCEPT one of the finished gift. Go figure.

    I am looking forward to next week's Archives as I have made a tote or two or a gazillion. :)

  3. I'm working on my first triangle quilt right now! No post about it. Maybe when I finish.

  4. Mmmm I don't think I can add anything here but I will be watching

  5. Not triangle stitching on my end either, unless you count HSTs. Very fun projects in the link ups.

  6. Thanks for the linky Val! I'm excited that I can share in the next 3 themes!

  7. I've just started a triangle Halloween quilt, but probably won't get it done on time for this year, but for sure next Halloween.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
