Sunday, September 20, 2015

Elmo Quilt Part 3 of 3

Sooooo, how did our little grand guy react to his Elmo quilt???
Well, we peeked into the bag together.

I held the quilt up for him to see

and my daughter caught his enthusiastic reaction!
(Look at his face and the fact he's on tippy toes melted my heart!)

Then he immediately ran, layed on top of the quilt, 

and wanted to be rolled up in like a burrito!

He even gave Elmo a kiss!

I caught him later tracing the number two on the back with his car.
(Creative note to self: He'd enjoy a flecce/flannel car/play quilt with a long road.)
Just one of those ultimate moments we quilters cherish huh!

This was also the year of the tricycle...something he can grow into.

It was a quick, 24 hour trip for us. 
But I'm sure you would agree, grandparent time is always worth it!

Expecially when I capture moments like this:
(He realllly loves his "popies" right now.)

Thanks so much for stopping by and sharing another ultimate moment with me.
Next on my sewing list: Dog Gone Cute blocks and my October Wool banner.

Val's Quilting Studio
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Winners will be announced the Tuesday first of every month! Thanks for stopping by!


  1. How cute! It's the best feeling ever when you can make them smile like that. Sorry it was such a short visit. It looks like you made the best of it.

  2. Oh, so cute! The little boy, the quilt, and the lovely moments.

  3. This was by far one of the best quilt you have made...the fleece on the back is so soft! We're so lucky to have a Grammy that is creative! Thank you for making the trip! We love you guys. (Don't worry, he will say "Grammy" soon enough!)

  4. we love our grands, don't we? i have made all 23 grands kids a quilt

  5. Adorable! Can't wait to have grandkids for whom I can quilt!

  6. So, so cute!!!! Looks like your quilt was an absolute hit and will really be cherished!!!

  7. Your little grand guy is so cute! The joy on his face....doesn't get much better than than, does it?? Cute, cute quilt quilt, Val!

  8. Oh Val, I got a knot in my throat! I couldn't scroll fast enough to see his reaction. How perfect! Thanks for sharing these special moments with us :)

  9. The sweetest story! Looks like you were both excited.

  10. This would make a great quilt for him
    Love the Elmore quilt. Times to treasure

  11. That's awesome Va,l it's wonderful when gifts are well received especially ones we've labored over.

  12. Oh aren't children so sweet and genuine? What a thrill to know his Elmo quilt was such a hit with him.

  13. That is really, really special! ((((( happy-dance hugs!)))))

  14. How nice his reaction!! What a cute little boy!

  15. This post makes me smile. Love.

  16. His reaction is priceless! And he's ADORABLE! Thanks for sharing!

  17. aw! so sweet! I know that adorable reaction just melts you!

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  18. That is SO sweet!!! His expression was priceless!!!

  19. How darn special is that? So glad you captured the moment in pictures. And shared with us! Just perfect :)

  20. I love everything about this! So many great pictures! Love his reaction to the quilt! That will be hard to top!

  21. Love, love love his reaction! What a cutie pie!!
    I've been gone for a while and am just catching up on my blog reading, this post made me smile.
    Thanks for sharing!

  22. You couldn't ask for a better reaction!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
