Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Chain Piecing My Way... a making a cozy Christmas Quilt.

 I participated in this Kate Spain Christmas Swap last June to collect charms for this exact kind of simple, relaxing sewing. Along with tackling my big pile of Fall binding, it's rejuvinating to have something to sneak away to while others are napping, watching football or playing on their computers during this holiday week. How about you? Is stitching part of your holiday R&R at all??
Image result for happy thanksgiving
I know it helps me...
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you who are celebrating.

Val's Quilting Studio


  1. That looks like some happy sewing! I am off this week and have really enjoyed some focused stitching time. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. I love Christmas fabrics. Looks like you've got a lot of happy stitching to do there. For the first time since I started quilting, we'll be home for Thanksgiving. I may just get in a few stitches here and there.

  3. Lovely fabrics and they will make a pretty Christmas quilt. I'm hoping to sneak in some stitching between food, football and Christmas decorating.

    Happy Thanksgiving, Val!

  4. I'm definitely stitching daily atm but mostly embroidery. I have a Christmas Scrappy WIP i should really finish this year but it'll have to wait till next month when my house guests are gone. Happy Thanksgiving xo

  5. Hmmm. I'm very curious as to what you are making with all those pretty charms. I so want to start working with mine too but I need to get the decorating done here first.

  6. It will be fun to see what you make with your charm swap Val. I'll be sewing every chance I get trying to finish things before Christmas.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
