Sunday, January 31, 2016

Jan. OMG: My "FABULOUS" Finish

Whew...I got  my FABULOUS mini finished with a few hours left in the month!
What ya think? The word Fabulous itself, well, just didn't look very fabulous to me.
I let myself play and had fun just letting my creative energy guide this little project.
(Think: "mathmatical" less than "< " sign.)

It  measures 22"x23" inches and has found it's place among our stairway of word quilts:

2016 is definitely off to a FABULOUS start that has happily included lots of sewing.
Sharing with everyone at these two linky parties:
grab button for RedLetterQuilts and Elm Street Quilts One Word 2016

And of course, I close unable to resist wishing you a FABULOUS day.


  1. FABULOUS Finish!!!! Congrats. I just love your stairway of word quilts.

  2. That is just the cutest! And it looks fabulous on your wall of words.

  3. Congrats on your Fabulous finish! Great word - thanks for linking up to Elm Street Quilts WOrd 16

  4. Fab for sure! Great word quilts!

  5. Congratulations on your finish. I've tried letters like this once, and should have done it more often. So fun work, it is.

  6. Yay on the finish! I love the bright happy colors.

  7. Fun! I hope you have a fabulous year!

  8. Haha, it took me a while to see that it actually said fabulous, I thought it saying that you are fab (which is true), with maybe a little arrow pointing to you :)

    1. LOL!! I tried the "less sign" out on my family and they "got it" I went for it.FABULOUS...just didn't look good. Or atleast it didn't movitvate me....LOL

  9. I, too, had to really think about the caret! So glad it didn't take me all that long to figure it out! What a great idea. Like your word wall too.

  10. I love the wall of words! Your whimsical new addition to it is truly fabulous :-)

  11. What a fun way to spell fabulous. Your wall of word quilts is a great idea.

  12. you certainly have the knack of stitching letters

  13. Very interesting. It is a fabulous start to the year for me too. Hope it continues

  14. Definitely a fabulous finish!

  15. Fabulous, darling. Simply Fab You <!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
