Saturday, January 16, 2016

Jan. Saturday Sampler

I've been looking forward to sharing with you the monthly Saturday Sampler I"m doing with my quilty friend. This year we chose to play with our Quick Curve Rulers  as we create the
 Curve it Up sampler quilt by the girls at Sew Kind of Wonderful.
I'm happy to report this is also stash busting project as I'm using my "Stitchy" fabric line by Aneela Hoey that I bought as a kit on clearance about a year and half ago. 
Here's my first three blocks. They each measure 16 1/2" x 16 1/2".
Block 1: Churn Dash
Block 2: Sawtooth Star
Hmmm I think I need to practice cutting that green curve.
Block 3: Rail Fence
This one came out pretty good.
Curious if you ever make a sampler quilt? I think the thing I like best about exactly that. 
They allow ya to sampler new techniques, patterns, even color combinations.
It's also fun to do one with a friend so you can see those different color combinations.
We did have to postpone our get together until next week due to the dumping of snow we are getting right now. But ya know what that means...aside from having to shovel the driveway later, I'll be sewing. Annndd after reading all your comments on my snowman post, I'm kinda tempted to play with making a few of those...I mean, what's another WIP right!?? LOL!
Hope your weekend finds you with some sewing time too.

Val's Quilting Studio


  1. Great blocks! I've done lots of sampler quilts and always enjoy making them!

  2. Those are some great blocks. I have that ruler and have been wanting to play with it. Seeing your blocks make me want to join in the fun!

  3. Those sampler blocks of yours are cool.....even the one with the little 'oops'. The fabrics are great. This quilt is going to be that curved ruler.

  4. Fun blocks--I can see that one of these days I'm going to need to break down and buy one of those rulers!

  5. Looking good! I actually made two sampler quilts. It was fun for sure.

  6. A great way of learning new techniques. Your blocks are beautiful. I've made some Aurifil smple blocks through Pat Sloan. They are in a plastic bag.......

  7. Cute blocks. I must get a curved ruler as those blocks would be fun to make.

  8. Fun blocks! I used that rule, and cut out all the pieces, but then realized I didn't 'flip' half the pieces correctly. Major FAIL! One of these days I'll try it again. A block at a time should work for me. I've been sewing today, too. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

  9. I love this! The blocks and colors are delightful. I've been wanting to do a curve quilt for a while. I have a pattern i made as a gift a couple of years ago that i loved and want to remake in different fabrics <3:-)

  10. I need to google the quick curve ruler because I adore that curved split rail block! How do you like using it after doing these?

    1. The pattern directions are great. And the more I use the ruler the easier it gets. I really do like it.

  11. finally able to comment!!! Loving the curve look on the blocks must dig out my curve ruler again, I did do a spiders web small quilt with it ages ago very effective

  12. I like samplers too, but you guys are brave for doing curves. :0) Great fabrics too.

  13. I haven't attempted any samplers, but I imagine it is a great way to learn new techniques.

    Out of these blocks, my favourite is the middle one (imperfections and all).

  14. Looks like a fun sampler! I've been practicing sewing curves, too. Lots of fun!

  15. Wow! Good for you working with curves! I love sampler quilts! I get bored by quilts that require loads of the same block over and over again!

  16. Very fun blocks! Your fabric selection and colors is perfect. I've made many samplers, but I always have problems in deciding how to set them once I get all the blocks done.

  17. Love your curved blocks! The corners can be tricky! I think I could handle the first block, it looks more forgiving.

  18. That is so lovely! :)
    Greetings from Finland!
    Hugs, Ulla


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
