Sunday, January 17, 2016

On the quilt frame today...

More bubble quilting on another Project Linus quilt.

I think this was the perfect panotgraph for that cute fishy fabric don't ya think?!

Jackson and I also took advantage of our weather finally warming up to 36 degrees and
enjoyed a  refreshing four mile walk outside.
And guess what! I stopped by school on my way home and "borrowed" those snowmen from the bulliten board. I plan to play with those for the rest of the afternoon.
Stay tuned!
Click on the picture to read more about Project Linus:
I volunteer here:


  1. The bubbles look fun. I can't wait to see what you come up with for the snowmen...

  2. Hi Val, I didn't realise I was logged into a different account, above. Feel free to delete that.

    I just wanted to say that I admire your ongoing commitment to Project Linus, and the bubbles were a cute idea.

    Also, I'm still enjoying your winter photos, even though I seriously can't imagine it.

  3. Bubbles for fish, perfect! We woke up this morning with a dusting of snow everywhere, like someone sprinkled powdered sugar on all the trees. Looks like Jackson was enjoying his walk outside.

  4. wonderful fabric for a linus quilt

  5. The quilting fits the quilt perfectly! There will be one lucky child out there!

  6. Love the bubbles. Where did you get your pantograph?

  7. Fish and bubbles, sounds like a match. Can't wait to see what you do with the snowmen. Makes me think I WILL do something with photos of the kids art pieces from the mall. Let's see what we both come up with.

  8. Fun bubbles and a perfect finish for the fish fabric. It looks so pretty there, we just got freezing fog and rain. So it's just yucky here.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
