Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sunday Sewing

We continue to be under an inversion of freezing fog...
which makes for perfect Sunday Sewing in my little spot in the world.

Yep! I've unearthed my 2014 RSC girls/houses and have a few creative surprises for ya! My neighborhood has been uninspiring. The black and white backgrounds have been sitting in stalemate.

So as they sat on the wall and I found myself without inspiration, I busied myself creating some  fabric-made tumblers. Yet, even when combined with a fun background, these too just just felt okay. And you know me, "Miss sewing without a plan", I was truly beginning to question myself: 
"What in the heck am I doing?" "Why am I creating more projects and finishing nothing?"

Until! I decided to divide my girls and houses, their stalemate ended. 

 THEN! For the fun of it, I combined the fabric-made tumblers as a border with the dolls...
Oh My! I seriously started to hear the Hark Angels sing out from that inversion of freezing fog!
BAM! Now THIS is what I'm talking about!
(I'm even thinking of using those turquoise dots on black above for a border...we'll see.)

It's so fun!
So now you know where I'll be today especially as this freezing fog continues to be the view outside my studio window: (Yes, I was too big of a wimp to go outside for a picture this morning.) 

And later, as the day begins to wind down, I have my February Wool banner all cut and pinned for some slow stiching during the Golden Globes tonight. Do you watch? We are always so behind, that we find ourselves with a pen and paper in hand making our Redbox/Netflix "what to watch" list.

Happy Sunday Sewing/Stitching everyone!
And before I get back to sewing myself, I'm off to see what everyone else is up to today at:
Quilting is more fun than HouseworkSlow Sunday Stitching

This week's upcoming theme: Art Quilts
Val's Quilting Studio


  1. Oh yes, those girls on black background are perfect, really your style. And with those borders, I'm just hoping to see this quilt finished as soon as possible. Very inspiring.

  2. Nice save on a project that went stale. I love your border ideas. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  3. Very nice combo with the girls and the scrappy tumblers!

  4. I love your girls, and your houses! What a huge difference it made to separate them! I haven't used much black in awhile, and I realized from looking at your girls that rainbow colors look just amazing with black. Have fun finishing them up!

  5. How strange how inspiration hits sometimes!

  6. Good job dividing the girls and houses! Enjoy the roll you are on. The freezing fog is so eery--we had a couple of mornings of it this week. Your wool banner is precious. Happy stitching!

  7. Love your wool banner. Happy Stitching

  8. I agree much better separated! I like your wool banner!

  9. Looks cold! Your solution is brilliant! I am working on a binding for slow stitching, but no pics yet. Button is done!

  10. Looks like you made the right decision, separating them out. I love the tumbler border with them!

  11. Your girls really look to be celebrating!

  12. Guess they just needed to get outta the house ;)

  13. Great solution - YAY! The girls look like they are jumping for joy! Enjoy your day at home.. we have had fog, pouring rain, sun, and even some thunder. Crazy.

  14. I really think the girls and the houses didn't want to live together. Now that they are separate, I love them both! Glad that your creative muse has found you.

  15. Love the improv girls with the improv tumblers. Sounds like gymnastics. Lol.

  16. Hallelujah!! By jove me thinks you are brilliant, Val. Love those girls mixed with your tumblers and that black and white polka dot for the borders....inspired! Such inspiration to be found in your colourful and happy basement. Though the day does look rather bleak out there, I must say the snow looks so pretty.

  17. Sometimes we just have to listen to our projects when they tell us what they want or don't want. Separating the blocks into two projects is perfect!!!

  18. Sometimes you just need to be willing to change things around a little. You just changed two so-so projects into one and a half awesome ones. Those girls are going to look great (and very Val) in their new arrangement.

    BTW, your slow stitching photo made me smile :)

  19. Super scrappy projects--looks like you are having lots of fun playing with them!

  20. I love the dolls and tumblers together! That is going to make a great quilt! Hugs,

  21. loving the dolls houses and tumblers they are all so colourful and full of character. Off to check out the link as these are so appealing maybe I can have a go at them too

  22. Excellent! Love your combination of projects, and it will be a very scrappy look, but equal weight between the two. Isn't it funny how we seem to have a style even when we are supposedly improvising? Makes me smile, Val!

  23. Your girls just didn't want to be tied down and now they're free to dance around! The houses are the beginning of a cute neighborhood perhaps as a border for the dancing girls or all on their own.

  24. That's great thinking outside the box! What a fun combination!

  25. Love your scrappy projects. The tumblers are really perfect with the dolls. What a fun quilt that will be!!

  26. Absolutely inspired! Love the girls all together with the tumblers and the houses in their own little neighborhood. I look forward to seeing what you do next.

  27. Hahahah "BAM! Now THIS is what I'm talking about!" really cracked me up Val. And you are so right! They are a match worthy of Hark angel choirs! LOL

  28. Finding "BAM" settings for the RSC blocks is the reason why I've only finished one of my RSC quilts. The Dolls is going to be fun with that colorful border. Great way to find an inspired setting.

  29. Lovely that you have found your way!

  30. I'm glad you resolved the impasse between the girls and the houses. Hmmm, those tumblers do look good with the girls and I think they'd look good with the houses too! Maybe you've got more made fabric -- enough for TWO borders? Just keep having fun!

  31. Your girls quilt will be great with those tumblers. I'm really drawn to the blue and orange blocks in the center.

  32. Hello Val....I am so thrilled to have you link up to Design Board Monday at Bits 'n Bobs and boy, don't you have some terrific and colourful projects to work on. ps...did you know you can staple your wool pieces to the background instead of little fab, doesn't damage the wool or leave little holes and you don't have a chance of scratching your hands or fingers either! Leonie Australian Designer, sells the long staplers but so far I haven't needed one like that as my applique pieces have been quite small. I hope you will come visit me again.

  33. Cute!! Interesting how the ideas begin to fall into place when we move stuff around on the work wall.

  34. Lovely work. Glad to see everything came together

  35. Fantastic solution. Huge difference when you separated the dolls from the houses. Amazing.

  36. Ooh I like your houses and your dolls. It is interesting how one project influences the outcome of another project.

  37. Love seeing your wall of quilt possibilities. Such fun.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
