Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Tuesday Archives #97: Art Quilts

Hello! Hello! and Happy Tuesday Archives! 
The linky party that let's you rejuvinate OLD blogging posts.
Val's Quilting Studio
. If you are new to our linky, click over the here to read the details about this fun, weekly linky party.
(You can also check out all our past Tuesday Archives themes by clicking right here.)

This week's theme is: ART QUILTS

I knew immediately who to highlight for our Art Quilt theme this week!
Debra created this 14"x14" beauty in 2004 using commercial fabric, batik lame, silk embroidery, ribbons, glass beads, hand dyed ribbon, fibers, specialty rayon and metallic threads. I fell in love with it the very first time I saw it in 2014 when Debra entered it in the Blogger's Quilt Festival. Another fun "detail"...this Goddess of the Deep was an original design for the Quilting Arts Magazine 2005 calendar contest. She's the June "covergirl"! (I'm so inspired just writing this post.)


  1. Val, Thank you so much for featuring me on your blog today. I am so honored! Goddess of the Deep has always been on of my favorite art quilts. She is now 'retired' and hangs in my studio. She makes me smile whenever I look at her. Thank you so much for sharing her on your blog!

  2. Rejuvenating our old posts is so helpful in another way too Val as I look for certain posts, I have discovered a lot of my photos have just disappeared from some of my posts!!! So I jotted those down to add those photos back. I wonder how that even happened???

  3. I'd begun to feel like the sleeping student in the back row, but finally a topic that I haven't already revived posts for under different themes. So I made up for lost time with three links. :-) claire aka knitnkwilt.wordpress.com

  4. Hi, Val. This might seem like a silly question, but what counts as an art quilt?

  5. Val, I must say that you chose to featured an awesome art quilt. You have exquisite taste. :-)

  6. more distractions! will have to follow this talented lady`s blog, thanks for telling us about her

  7. I remember that entry into the Bloggers Quilt festival. Debra does such beautiful work. No art quilts in my portfolio so I'll just have to enjoy all the other posts.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
