Sunday, February 21, 2016

Cool idea!

Isn't this the coolest idea! I totally want to do this with an old window.
I've had a fun two weeks, with last weekend spent traveling to spend time with our grand guy and end of this week traveling for work...but I've missed my sewing. Bunch of new ideas coming as I get back into my the ol' studio. Seriously, where did February go? 
This week's theme is: BUTTONS!
Val's Quilting Studio


  1. I have no idea where February went....but then I don't quite know where any of the months go. That window is seriously cool, Val.

  2. I am seriously wondering where this year went. Days are flying by so fast and I am not getting much sewing in. I am anxious for summer off.

    Love the window idea!

  3. what a good way to dress an old window, remember to share if you do one

  4. What a great idea for framing a quilted piece. Thanks for sharing that find. And yes...where did February go? It's like we blinked and poof!

  5. Wouldn't this look great over a bed? Don't rush February too much...we have 29 days!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
