Monday, April 4, 2016

And the Winner is...

One hundred eighy-three comments later...I feel a little bad only announcing one of you as the Scrap Quilt Secrets Book Winner. It was such a  a pick-me-up to scroll through all your comments  as you each shared what little thing makes you smile every day.  There was a range of categories that emerged all which included our pets, our health, nature, that first morning ray of sun, flowers, the wonderful first signs of Spring, our supportive husbands, sewing, making quilts, fabric, you guys cracked me up with your coffee comments, and of course our children/grandchildren make us smile. 
YES! Life's simple day to day pleasures really are THAT good!
Our grand-guy learning to wink cracked us up this past weekend!
Congratulations to #178 who is Lynn who blogs at ScrappinSassy.
Watch for my email Lynn.
And thank you to everyone for stopping by. 
Hope to see ya tomorrow for Tuesday Archives.
Tomorrow's Tuesday Archives theme is DENIM!
Val's Quilting Studio


  1. Wow , he is growing up so fast! Congratulations to the winner

  2. Oh your grand-guy is sooo cute! He undoubtedly puts many a smile in your day, Val. Congratulations to Lynn....lucky gal! =)

  3. well done winning, I have ordered the book from amazon and it is on its way to me

  4. What a cute little boy. Quilters are so lucky, we have those small joys every day. In the end, I think they really are the greatest joys of all. Smile!

  5. Congrat to Lynn. Your Grand-guy is a dollbaby.

  6. Thank you Val, I'm so excited to win this book! I can't wait to read Diane's scrap secrets and get started on a quilt.
    Your grand-guy is so cute :)


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
