Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Tuesday Archives #111: Design Walls

Hello! Hello! and Happy Tuesday Archives! 
The linky party that let's you rejuvinate OLD blogging posts.
Val's Quilting Studio
. If you are new to our linky, click over the here to read the details about this fun, weekly linky party.
(You can also check out all our past Tuesday Archives themes by clicking right here.)

This week's theme is: DESIGN WALLS

I'm sure many of you saw Connie's (our Freemotion by the River Tuesday Linky HostessDIY Sliding Design Wall..it's definitely a post that deserves to be rejuvinated more than once! For under $100 her Builder Bob will show you all the details of this ingenous project when you click right HERE. I'm looking forward to you sharing how you made your design walls...

...But! I'd also like to invite you to either rejuvinate an old design wall post OR (let's break the rules) and snap a picture of your design wall right now and share your current WIP  in a new post with us!
The T.A. linky is always open through Friday...so ya have plenty of time. :) 
Amanda Jean who blogs at Crazy Mom Quilts claimed here design wall as an area of procrastination right...with plans to create what I'm sure will be an adorable orphan quilt.

Check our the Tuesday Archives Directory by clicking right HERE.
Val's Quilting Studio


  1. I have no design wall. The nearest I come to that is a design floor. Maybe I can get some ideas on how to make one here.

  2. This one was right up my alley Val! Also reminds me I need to get back to work to fill it!

  3. My design wall is in my head, and in EQ7 on my computer. I have a new purse pattern published on Craftsy just this week, and a new quilt design I am going to begin work on tomorrow on my day off. Finally, a day to sew!

  4. I have a spot for one...maybe all the photos will inspire me to make the space into a reality. It's a large mirror on my sewing room wall that I use to help me with fitting my dress patterns ( no dress form!) But I've often thought I could have a flannel roll up blind mounted above it.

  5. Gee, when I saw the topic, I wondered if I could post what is on there now. :) So I will be. Thanks for the fun sharing Val.

  6. No wall space to make a design wall. I do have a smaller portable design board and then there is the "design floor", lol!!!

  7. Oh, I wish my design wall looked like Connie's or Amanda's. But maybe I'll write a post and show what I've got up right now.

  8. I'm sick on the couch with viral colitis atm and love Linky Tuesday to pass the time. I love the idea of @pinkdoxies to share an instagram link, it's much easier for my lazy sick self to find an old instagram pic to share than to search my blog for one! Thanks Val for the entertainment as usual :-)


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
