Sunday, May 22, 2016

H2H: I-Spy Finish

 I've had so much fun sewing these I-Spy blocks together for my H2H Happy Chemo quilt. This quilt measures 53" by 56" and was made with 240 4" I-Spy squares.
Can you I-Spy the goose and otter? I think they are my favorite,
but then again, the cupcake, hamburger and school bus are so fun too!
Here it is finished and trimmed with it's purple binding:
This quilt has been so much fun to create and it makes my heart smile knowing it's 
now on it's way to to be part of  Sarah's H2H Charity Challenge.  
Thanks for organizing this annual event for all of us Sarah!!
After reading that Emily's Happy Chemo quilts will be going to the Rat Pack organization, their main focus is helping those fight breast cancer. They will fill their Love Handle Bags with our donations, so I knew this breast Cancer Ribbon quilting and flannel backing were the perfect finishing touches for my quilty donation. 

June 1st sign-ups for our I-Spy Swap begin!

If ya haven't yet, I hope you'll mark your calendar and stop by June 1st and sign-up for our I-Spy Swap. Annndd....if ya can't wait and want to start collecting now, you'll need ten 1/4 yard or fat quarters of ten different I- Spy prints and you will be able to get your 20 4" squares out of these. ('ll be getting 200 different squares through this swap!!) Be sure you can tell what you are looking at within a 3 1/2"x 3 1/2" square. (There's many examples in my quilt above.)
 Help me spread the word! This will be a double swap...meaning with a maximum of  36 "swap spots" available, you'll be able to sign-up for a maximum of two regular swap spots if you want...but the fabrics for each swap will need to be different. Okay...Happy collecting!!

Val's Quilting Studio

This week's theme will be: EQ Designs.
Val's Quilting Studio


  1. I Spy Quilts are fun to make. Someone is going to love this quilt.

  2. Great I Spy, did Jackson find the burger? So cute, both pictures of little guys looking for things to spy.

  3. What a beautiful quilt for such a great cause!

  4. What a great quilt! So fun and happy.

  5. A very fun quilt. Congrats on the finish.

  6. A lovely, bright quilt to gift on to H2H.

  7. Turned out so cute, This will keep someone occupied for a while as well as warm.

  8. Val this quilt is sure to make someone's day! It will provide ongoing diversion too, as they notice more and more of the fabrics.
    I have your I-Spy swap button on my sidebar and am looking forward to the fun!

  9. so much to spy on this quilt a great quilt for kids

  10. Congrats on this sweet quilt. It looks like so much fun and comfort.

  11. What a beautiful I spy quilt, such fun squares. Sure to bring a smile to someones face.

  12. Such a fun I-Spy quilt - I love searching for all the different things to see! Thanks for participating in H2H this year!!

  13. What a wonderful quilt to send for H2H! Thanks for helping. I love this challenge every year.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
