Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tuesday Archives #115: Everyday Quilts

Hello! Hello! and Happy Tuesday Archives! 
The linky party that let's you rejuvenate OLD blogging posts.
Val's Quilting Studio
. If you are new to our linky, click over the here to read the details about this fun, weekly linky party.
(You can also check out all our past Tuesday Archives themes by clicking right here.)

This week's theme is: Everyday Quilts 

 In reality, THIS is how our TV room looks everyday. Hubby's flannel twister quilt always in a bundle somewhere. The dog's quilt near by and me always having  one that I'm binding or stitching.  But I love seeing this quilty mess. Makes my heart happy to see them being "used" and "abused".

Okay, and I couldn't resist sharing this blurry, yet funny picture of Jackson photo bombing as I  quickly took this picture for today's post. I love that I caught his happy, wagging tail in motion! 
I'm already thinking of a few posts I have to rejuvenate today, finding it kinda fun to look back at all the quilts I've made for the people I love and seeing them enjoy their quilty hugs as well.

PS: I'm getting excited about our I-Spy Swap coming this summer here at Val's Quilting Studio!! Thanks for your great response so far. Sign-ups open June 1st.
Click the picture below to get a peek.


  1. We have several in our house that get daily use. I still need to get them photographed and documented. :)

  2. We have several in our house that get daily use. I still need to get them photographed and documented. :)

  3. It is so nice to see your quilts in use. I need to make one for My Guy. He needs one for his recliner.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
