Sunday, November 6, 2016

Lighting for Hand Stitching

Kathy who hosts our Slow Stitching Sunday Linky is right, those of us who moved our clocks back an hour last night are going to be stitching in the dark much earlier at the end of days.
(Personally, I slept in till 8:00 and woke up at 7:00 this morning and that felt wonderful!!)
Kathy asked us to share our lighting tips. I have two.
First, Jackson is showing you my evening stitching spot. 
I use a floor lamp with a must have Ott Light Bulb.

But next, for evenings when we are watching a good movie and for when I travel I use this:
(Check out that lighting!)
My Beam N Read!
It's little strap goes right around your neck. It's ran by four AA batteries and has two light settings.
  (I think it even came with a magnifying glass??)
It's amazing!! A fellow stitcher had one and once seeing it, I immediately ordered myself one!
I've had mine for a few years now and it is my "go to" lighting for hand stitching.
Whether I'm traveling, sitting at the kitchen table, by the fire or even outside, it's perfect lighting.
(Okay, I just sounded like a info commercial, but seriously, if I were Oprah, I'd send everyone one!)
Let me know if you decide to check out the little light. I'd like to know what ya think of it. 
For now, I'm off to my stitching spot to watch a morning movie and to enjoy some wool stitching.
Happy Sunday Stitching everyone. 
Coming up this week at T.A.: Lone Star quilts and projects.
Val's Quilting Studio


  1. What a great idea. Unfortunately I've never seen anything like this here.
    Oh, and Jackson is so cute that I almost didn't see the floor lamp, lol

  2. I have a Beam nRead too...and use it ALL the time. I use it while stitching when watching TV...and then take it with me to bed to read with so I don't bother hubby! I also take it when I stitch in the car...and when I take the dog outside at night and when there is a power outage and when I have to walk to the neighbours in the evening (it lights up the ground like nobody's business!!) Yes, I love it!

  3. PS LOVE your floor lamp!! Very stylish but yet functional! Jackson is adorable and a great model!

  4. Had to show your post to DH, he said (and I totally agree) Jackson is pretty cute. Oh, right, there's a lamp.

  5. Love your lamp and setting for some stitch time - of course Jackson, too.

  6. I just purchased the beam n read light this fall at the Madison Quilt Expo. So far I am loving the light but not too crazy about the elastic neck cord. I have another neck light with a different neck cord and I am thinking about switching them. The other light is a fluorescent light that I have had for years but it creates heat and I don't need any more warmth at this stage in my life!

  7. I just looked up the Beam n Read on Amazon...I think it needs to go on my wish list. That's a great light for these darker winter nights!

  8. A perfect spot for stitching, if Jackson gets off the chair and lets you sit there.....

  9. I have the Beam and Read light too and absolutely LOVE it.

  10. Jackson stole the show, though cute! :)

  11. Love seeing your stitching spot. Lighting is so important, and so hard to come by.

  12. I have the Beam and Read light but I don't use it because I can't get to stay in place. Any suggestions would be very appreciated. Hugs,

  13. What a lovely spot for stitching... and there is even a guard dog!
    Great idea for a stitching light!

  14. I bought me an ott light too last year and love it-have never seen the other one will check it out thanks

  15. I have had my Beam N Read for several years. Best light ever, especially when the power goes out!

  16. I love a light with an Ott light bulb in it. I've never seen the Beam N Read but it looks handy.

  17. Thanks for the info on the Beam N Read! I will be checking that out. Jackson sure is a faithful little quilting buddy!

  18. Thanks for shedding some great light on the hand stitching situation (sorry couldn't resist). Happy stitching.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
