Thursday, January 5, 2017

A Snow/Sew Day Already!

Two days back to school/work and we already find ourselves literally knee deep in snow after yet another 24 hour snow storm graced our little part of the world.

I went to bed with it seriously continuing to snow...

 As you can see below, I awoke to cars stuck in driveways, tree trunks buried and streets, sidewalks and yards that blend together. Getting around the past two days has been a little overwhelming, thus I'm revealed to be sitting home in my jammies once again! LOL!

I mean the kids could barely play outside. The few that braved the snow, trudged a path to the swings only to find themselves having to dig the seats out of the snow! As we endured yesterday's storm, by afternoon, they didn't even mind staying inside for "recess"
So what's on my list for my surprise snow day?? Well, our beautiful blue sky today, means sub zero temperatures once again, so other than some snow shoveling....I'll be cozy and warm in my studio!
1. Finish quilting a commission quilt (smiles to ya Nancy!)
2. Start sewing the Sawtooth and Flying Geese blocks for my Winter Wallhanging
So grateful for this hobby of ours as it keeps me motivated during these harsh winter months.

Val's Quilting Studio


  1. So jealous! We have had barely any snow this winter. It is snowing right now, but it does not look like it will amount to much let alone be a snow day. Enjoy all your projects!

  2. I live in Longmont, Co and it is 5 degrees with about 12 inches of fresh snow on the ground. Schools and businesses are closed and I am sewing. We sure need the moisture this storm brought. Happy sewing!!!!!!!

  3. The first picture looks like a postcard, Val. Enjoy your snow/sew day!

  4. So very pretty and no better way to spend a snow day!

  5. So very pretty and no better way to spend a snow day!

  6. Oh my you are certainly getting your share of snow - we are use to this kind of stuff. The cold and wind is so not my liking though. We spent most of the morning putting away Christmas in the shop and setting up for the next holiday - Valentines

  7. We are supposed to get snow late Friday and into Saturday, but it isn't expected to hang around. I hope it does at least through Wildcard Weekend so I can watch football all weekend and not feel guilty!

  8. It is pretty, but... Ha! I found out yesterday on one of those ratings stories that show up on the internet that Michigan is rated number 2 for miserable winters, second only to Minnesota. It seems that part of the reason is that it's so gray here all winter. We do have a bit of sun today, so I'm smiling. But I say, if it's going to be gray it might as well snow a lot! Your weather looks pretty (looking out from the inside) and perfect for a great day of sewing. Have fun!

  9. It's sort of like winning the lottery...getting a free day like that! :)

  10. As long as I don't have to drive in it, I love a snowy day--guilt free sewing all day long!!

  11. Snow day here today too, but we actually only got three to four inches at our house. This time of year is when I truly appreciate it hobby too

  12. So pretty! We have one HOT summer here in New Zealand..........!

  13. Are you out of school tomorrow, too? I do enjoy sewing most when it's so cold outside you can't do much else. Stay tight, and stay warm! It was -42 in Stanley this morning. Brrrrr. About -12 here at 5 p.m. Did I say, "Brrrr"?

  14. you certainly have more than your share of snow never get it like that here thankfully but a good excuse to stay inside and stitch

  15. I cannot imagine that much snow! How beautiful it all looks and those icicles look amazing. Batten down the hatches, Val and keep warm. Happy snow day sewing.

  16. does jackson like to dig in it? You at least have to shovel a bathroom out for him! I remember my lab seeing snow the first time after our move from FL to MD. She looked at us and came back. DH had to shovel a spot so she could crouch down without cold touching her privates! LeeAnna

  17. Those are some pretty hardy kiddos. Hope you enjoyed your snow day to the max.

  18. You aren't the only way loving the stay in and sew because of snow! I've been getting more the last couple of days than I have in a long run. Now it's time for a little rest. Love your house! It looks like a really lovely place!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
