Thursday, January 19, 2017

Seriously!! More Snow/Sew Days!!!

Well, the snow just won't let up in our little part of  the world!
We've received ANOTHER two feet of snow since yesterday afternoon.

We are literally snowed in. Most everything is town is closed with advisory given: Driving Conditions are very hazardous. The County Sheriff is advising everyone to stay home if they can. Travel only for emergencies. If you have to travel, be prepared for road closures. Drive with extreme caution.

At this point we are only working to keep three major areas cleared.
First, the driveway:

Jackson appreciated having somewhere to run!

Secondly, the mailbox:

Finally, access to the backyard...our back porch...though I don't know why as...

...below is a picture of our backyard. 
We even have the dogs "go outside" on the front driveway now.
Yes, they are very confused!! LOL!! (That's okay, I am too!)

 Sidewalk? None of us are shoveling them there's just no where else to put the snow.

The street berm just gets wider and wider and now taller and taller as tractors move the snow around. 

So what's a girl to do? 
Well I made a list as I just need to feel productive:
1. Luckily I stopped by JoAnne's Tuesday on my way home from work/school (Yes, we returned for one day.) and bought enough fabric to make three receiving blankets I need for upcoming gifts.
2. I need some mindless sewing, so will play with my I-spy squares or pull some fat quarters in effort to complete a quilt top this next couple of shut-in days. ( I did order some fat quarters! LOL!)
3. Finish my purple RSC.
4. Quilt my Winter Wallhanging
5. Cut pieces for my Mystery Quilt
Again, I close so very grateful that this quilty hobby of ours keeps me motivated.
Thanks for stopping by and keeping me company.
Stay tuned...
Hey dog lovers! Have you taken the Dog Breed quiz yet?
Click here to take the quiz and comment to be entered into my give-away. 


  1. Oh, wow, Val! So glad you have a hobby the keeps you from going stir crazy. I mentioned all your snow during a chat with my dad the other day. He said his first teaching job many years ago (late '40's) was in the northwest corner of Washington. One February they only had school about two days due to a bad winter. Can you believe it, someone suggested they shouldn't get their pay that month! And he barely made a living wage as it was! Have fun with all of your wonderful projects. Stay cozy, and I hope your power stays on.

  2. That is crazy Val! We finally warmed up enough for our snow to melt but it sure took its time. Enjoy your Sew days!

  3. Another two feed? That is a lot of snow. I love seeing your photos though, and I love that you can stay in and enjoy. It won't be fun making up those "snow days" though. I was thinking that you are a teacher?

  4. Usually I have the snow like that. We are in the mid 40's there was a small bout of freezing rain, but most of it was a bit north of us. The kids had a no school day though. Very dense fog with 0 visibility. I think most of you in that state are crying uncle, enough of the white stuff.

  5. Gosh that's a crazy winter you are having!!!!!!

  6. I am a little jealous of all of your snow/sew days! It is a good thing you made it to Joann's and I hope your food supplies are holding up. Get lots done now because it sounds like you might have to do some extra days at the end of the year

  7. Unbelievable! How will you ever make up all those snow days at school? It is good you are getting some sewing now.

    Stay warm and safe. I love the picture of you and Jackson.

  8. So much snow. Please be careful when you are outdoors. Yes, excellent time to sew and quilt. One of my other friends, who also lives in Oregon, said that massive flooding may occur when the temps warm up. Please stay safe and warm.

  9. Wow! Just... wow! Stay safe and warm. Those pictures of Jackson just make me smile.

  10. It's sew good you have plenty of projects to keep you busy. Hope you don't run out of food.

  11. OMG!!! Look how deep that snow is - lucky you have plenty of supplies (food of cours....wink, wink. Take care - school may not be going back next week at this rate of snowfall!

  12. Just as well you have lots of projects on hand, Val, it looks as if you might be snowed under for a very long while. I cannot believe how much snow you have over there. On a positive, I love your home and the snow makes it look even more beautiful. I would hate to be the mailman. =)

  13. Can I say that I am a bit envious of your snow? It is in the 60s here, and the warmth is making the bulbs and trees wake up too early. I am afraid they will grow too much and then we will have another snow which will kill the flowers. That would be devastating to our county's production of apples and other crops. Hug Jackson for me!

  14. I can't believe this much snow! It is in the 60's all this week here in SC, and we would love a slight cool down. The cherry trees are beginning to bud even. Glad you have some projects to keep you busy while house bound.

  15. You really are snowed in!! This looks like more of what we should have as a winter, but we are getting a lot of rain and ice. Be safe and enjoy your sew days.

  16. Wow, I'm jealous! I miss the snow a lot, but I don't envy you all the shoveling. Be careful out there!

  17. Now this is why quilters need a sizeable stash. Just think how bad it would be if you ran out of fabric! We in western NY have temps in the 40's and no snow on the ground but the weatherman says that will all change next week. Dang, we don't leave for FL until Jan 31.

  18. Oof, that's a lot of snow! I agree with MissPat that having a good sized stash is key. That's my excuse on the boat, too. You never know when we'll be pinned down at anchor by bad weather and can't get ashore. Gotta have enough fabric for those emergencies! Oh, and some food. Yeah, that, too. Whatever.


  19. I hate to say this, but the more snow that drops on its way to my neck of the woods, the better. And yet, that is WAY too much for you guys. Hoping things mellow out soon. Oh - we shovel out doggie paths for our critters to do their business. Just goes along with the job description!

  20. We are having a heatwave right now and losing a lot of our snow, but I know we will have more to take its place. it's the worst when there's so much snow and nowhere to put it! I hope you don't get too much more!

  21. Your shoveling reminds me of my shoveling about 15 years ago in Denver. My hubby was at work on a double shift with the snow dumped on us. When he got off, he managed to get 4 blocks from home then the car got high centered & had to walk the rest of the way. He was happy to have a path to walk in on our drive as the snow was up to his arms!

  22. At least you made the best of a bad situation! That is a lot of snow.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
