Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Tuesday Archives #150: Thread

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
Please click here to read more about this linky party.  
Val's Quilting Studio

This week's theme is: THREAD

Welcome! Well, if  you are familiar with my organizing methods, 
you already know I organize my fabrics my color.
The same rule applies to my threads.
This week I'll share a peek into my studio to share how I store my variety of threads:
(But please do feel free to share ANY posts about thread this week.)

Long-Arm Spool Storage:
We found this shelf in a thrift store years ago. 
Note: They are displayed out of direct light.

Applique Thread: 

I pre-round all these bobbins from my spools of cotton thread. 
These little cases are so much easiter to keep in my applique tote.
I still need to get some bobbin covers as 
I always have strands of  thread handing out. 

Perle Cotton for wool projects:

I use an embroidery case for these.
As highlighted here: Perle Cotton Storage
And finally....

Thread for Piecing:

I'm kinda boring here, and keep in a nearby jar, white, black or a light lavender thread.
My go-to thread has always be Master Piece from Superior Threads, but a bloggy friend sent me some Aurifil thread to try and I truly noticed a wonderful difference in my stitch! 

Val's Quilting Studio


  1. So neat and tidy. The colors are so beautiful.

    Thanks for sharing.


  2. You are so neat! I had thread every where until Hubby made a cabinet for me. For variety I threw in a post on thread painting!

  3. you are way too organized lol I do have a drawer for sewing threads, and little boxes and things like that for embroidery threads, wool threads. and hubby picked up a very large spool holder that goes on the wall where I keep allot of odd threads-cause it looks cool lol

  4. Oh golly, you are so well organized! I have a ton of thread, keeping it in plastic bins. I have two large bins of serger cones, another large bin of Superior and Essentials for quilting, yet another of specialty threads like wooly nylon or cording, a full bin of rayon threads for embroidery, and four cases of piecing threads mostly Aurifil with some Mettler and Guetermann thrown in. It is too much to display, and the bins keep the dust off.

  5. OMG you are so organized!!!!!! All those pretty threads right there where you can admire them. Mine live in a shoebox...you can hardly see the spools through the loose ends...

  6. such organisation such a good idea with the bobbins as it is so annoying when one runs out half way through a product. I have an ikea tall narrow cupboard that has drawers the exact right depth for perle threads seem to hoard them I am sure I will never get to use them all! especially as now I quilt more that embroider

  7. I would show you my thread storage if I had photos already, but I am too lazy to take photos and then load them onto my computer and then onto the blog. LOL!!! I do like your storage and love how co!orful thread is.

  8. Thanks for sharing. I love your bobbins organized for appliqué.

  9. So many beautiful colors in your thread stash.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
