Saturday, March 11, 2017

Fun Happy Mail!

The mailman delivered my turn with Bernie's, over at Needle and Foot,  Fabric and Fiction book share. (Click HERE to read all about her cool happy mail/quilters book club of sorts.)
We receive (and send forward) three new fat quarters that relate back to the novel in some fashion. My person sent me these three fun fabrics below, each representing one of the main characters in the story. Her character captions have me intrigued.   
I laughed a little when she said the circle design represents the character Samantha whose thoughts seem to keep her running in circles. I smiled in thought of the pink representing the character Lydia, because older women often mentor younger women without even knowing it. And finally, those trees, they represent King, the character who is cool with himself, steady and stable. (I'm so grateful to have my own King) After this wonderful introduction, I'm looking forward to meeting these characters myself as I spend a few hours this chilly morning reading: Open House.
Next week's theme: Anything GREEN!
Val's Quilting Studio


  1. I like Elizabeth Berg, I think I read that one some years ago. Another of her novels, The Art of Mending, is on my keeper shelf.

  2. Wonderful interpretation of the characters in this book. I hope you like it. It is one of my favorites- enjoy!

  3. what a very fun club to belong to!

  4. This book group is such a fun idea! I love that you pick out 3 fat quarters that you tie to the story!

  5. What a different but fun kind of exchange.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
