Sunday, March 5, 2017

Snow Update

Things are finally getting back to normal in our little part of the world.
Our snow melt has been gradual and it's actually kinda strange to see grass and roads again.

 I smiled as I saw this heart shaped ice on my way to check the mail:
Thinking how crazy it is that this simple heart is all that's left from this:

But even the geese can see again and I think it's safe to say that we're all
 looking forward to seeing a bit more green around here as Spring gradually nears. 
As always, thanks for stopping by.
NOTE: Our March themes are posted on the sidebar.
Val's Quilting Studio


  1. How lovely to be able to see ice again. Let's hope no more snow!

  2. hoping that is the last of your snow for this season-we have had nothing here-no ice, rain, or snow-we really need something soon before planting time
    Loving Jackson lol

  3. Here is Ky. it is really prettying up. I have tiny leaves on my rose bushes. But I know we will have more frost if not some snow. But thank goodness our snows are nothing like yours.

  4. Glad that you are finally seeing some green :) Here it is such a strange winter...very little snow and way too much rain. The other day I looked on a study of opposites...snow on grass that has already started growing from rain / warm temps and will soon need mowed!

  5. And Matt got the leaf blower out today because we're sick of the dogs traipsing dry grass in to the house! He tried to blow all the dry loose grass away LOL, last year we never saw that grass all winter!!!!

  6. Looks like spring is just around the corner.

  7. A slow snow melt with that much snow is a good thing. We don't have a lot of snow left, but it is bitter cold again.

  8. good that it has nearly all gone and did not thaw too fast and cause floods, spring is around the corner or so the weather man tells us

  9. Wow... I can't believe you have had snow all this time. I really don't know what that would be like....

  10. I hope warmer days are here to stay for you! Cute geese. Jackson is adorable as usual.

  11. Hooray! We always know Spring will come but it is still so exciting to see those signs! Love the geese in green!! :)

  12. Glad to see things are thawing out. Hopefully that won't mean flooding on the other end of it.

  13. I love those geese decked out for the 17th--hopefully your snow will be gone by then!

  14. Those geese are so cute...not as handsome as Jackson though :)


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
