Monday, April 10, 2017

Creativity is a Way of Life...

"It's so easy for you, you're creative."
Has anyone ever said that to you?
I'm always a little bewildered when I'm told this, as in reflection, for me, being a creative person has been anything but easy and truth be told, it's kinda exhausting. My husband and mom can often be found telling me to relax as I'm always doing two things at once. But, I truly can't help it. I'm a life enthusiast. I keep my hair pixie short as there's not enough hours in a day to do everything I want to do, but I know my hair isn't one of them! 
 I'm a thinker. A watcher. I'm imaginative and crave individuality. I love thinking outside the box.  But, let me tell you, it's taken a lot of bad ideas in order to make my way to a few good ones.
 I embrace my failures. I face life's hardest challenges with a conquering spirit. 
For me, being creative is not a hobby, but a way of life.
That's not easy is it?
Well, Spring has sprung and so has my motivation to create a "bucket list" of creative experiences I want to fill my upcoming summer with. I'm craving a creative change, though at this very moment, I have no idea what that will look like. Thus, when I saw that Eventbrite is spreading this cool message: "Experiences, Not Things", I wanted to join in as sometimes, our "giftedness" can be found through the most unassuming experiences.  I truly believe we all possess skills that are just waiting to be discovered. So I'm pushing myself out of my comfort zone and I thought it was cool to find a website full of events in our own zip code to help me do so. 
 Let the journey begin.
Here we summer bucket list of experiences:
(Check out this tool that makes having get togethers like hiking or going to concerts with friends and family easier.)
  1. Go to a concert. Okay, okay, I saw Glen Campbell in Vegas when I was very young, and Lionel Richie in Phoenix while in college. I seriously need to improve this list.
  2. Go on a hiking/yurt trip with my hubby. Summer hiking rejuvenates my soul!
  3. Take an Art Quilting journal is overflowing with ideas. I need to experiment with new techniques and challenges.
  4. Do something totally new just for the fun of it!! (Something from my Pinterest pages??)
  5. Go on a wine tasting tour with friends

I hope you follow along as I set out to nurture my desire to live a creative life...
one student, one quilt, one experience at a time...creating something extraordinary from the ordinary!

Val's Quilting Studio


  1. I love this post! I hear that and I think people find it easier to 'ask' me how to do things rather that figure them out themselves. I've had those mistakes and struggles to find out things. I have found I enjoy it more when I let them struggle and then the light bulb goes off - that light just thrills me. I don't do bucket lists, but trying something new once in a while just for the fun of it is something I do need to do more now that I am more mobile.

  2. What a fun bucket list. Yes, being creative is a way of life. My word of the year, patience, is still at the top of my list, lol :)

  3. you certainly have some interesting plans for your journey will enjoy reading about them as you do them, afraid I am very dull and have no plans at the moment,

  4. Your list sounds like a whole lot of fun. Love the idea of a yurt trip, though I probably would have to go glamping.=) Art quilting sounds like a plan. As for living a creative life, I wouldn't have it any other way. You are going to have the best Summer, lovely Val.

  5. Absolutely.....go, do, now while you have health and the energy. Great post.

  6. I love this!!!! You have some really nice goals, things to experience this summer. Number 1 cracked me up :) I look forward to following along. You've inspired me to try something what will it be?

  7. I sure like your comments on creativity.
    I went on a great wine tasting trip once, on a boat ride down the Rhine in Germany! Sip, see castles, sip, see mountains, sip sip sip.

  8. That's a great list of goals! It is fun to have stay-cations and explore what is in your own backyard. My last concert was last year, saw Moody Blues, (OK dating myself) and they were still fantastic.

  9. You go girl! I hope your creative and adventurous journey brings you to this side of the mountains so we can meet. Great post!

  10. Hi Val!
    Looks like a fun Summer ahead! I'm sure there will be great things to read on your blog the coming months! Have fun!

  11. Hi Val!
    Looks like a fun Summer ahead! I'm sure there will be great things to read on your blog the coming months! Have fun!

  12. I like the way you think: Wine Tasting is Creative! Yea, yea, that's the ticket! Also, you definitely need to get yourself to more concerts! Life is short!

  13. What a nice list of things to do this summer! I have to force myself to say "yes" more often. My DH will try anything, but I tend to be Grumpy Cat and want to just stay inside and sew. Yes, we are exposed to lots of new things on the boat but I can still be soooo stubborn about wanting to try them! Sigh.

    I like Kim's idea of Yurt Glamping, and LA's wine tasting while someone else drives the boat...

  14. What a great idea, Val! I really like experiences as gifts, both to give and receive. I love your idea of experience and creativity goals!

  15. What a great list! We are contemplating what adventure to go on for summer vacation. Our rule the last couple of years has been to go where we've never been. I'll be following along with your summer adventures.

  16. You nailed it! And your list looks fun, I sure hope you share the adventure with us!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
