Monday, April 17, 2017

Grow Laughter...

Hoping you had a wonderful Easter weekend. 
Our grand guy is getting so big and is developing the funniest personality.
He makes us laugh. Like that tears in our eyes laughter. 
I love that!!
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And besides....
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When is the last time your had a good belly laugh?
Join us tomorrow. Our theme is: T-Shirt Quilts
Val's Quilting Studio


  1. So true! All my wrinkles are from laughter! Well earned I say!

  2. I love a good belly laugh from little ones.

  3. I was in tears laughing this past weekend, but for the life of me I can't remember what I was laughing about! I do love a good laugh 😁

  4. so good when we have somthing to laugh about isn`t it

  5. Laughter really is the best medicine. Our niece who was in the hospital after a nasty accident asked DT to share her really bad jokes so we could all laugh. It was much needed fun after a very stressful end of the week.


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
