Wednesday, May 24, 2017

2017 Classroom Quilt: Kid's Art

This week was quilt week at school and the kids were soooo excited!
They traced selected pictures using their pencils: 
 The also used fabric markers to color. 

Now hindsight being what it is, next time I will have the kids use a black sharpie 
to outline their pictures, as the fabric markers DID smudge a little.

All in all though, I think these are going to make a fun classroom quilt.  I think it would also be an inspiring way to greet my new class in the Fall. I can hang it at the entrance of the classroom during Open House, as the quilt illustrates many of the themes we learned about in Second Grade this year.
Oh we'll definitely enroll it in the County Fair this summer! 
But for now, it looks like it's time for me to get busy sewing this one together. But as busy as life has been this month, I'm going to have be very intentional at getting it sewn into a flimsy before the kids leave for summer. (Luckily I still have two weeks to ahead of me.) As always, thanks for stopping by and  for especially cheering on our classroom projects this month. You guys are the best!

Val's Quilting Studio


  1. What a very bright and very active start to this quilt!!

  2. what a great quilt these drawings will make so good that pens can be bought for fabric these days

  3. That is going to be a great quilt, those kids will be excited to see their blocks sewn together!

  4. The kids made some really nice and fun blocks for the classroom quilt. Good luck getting it together before the end of school. (I'm sure you will be successful)

  5. Your students did a great job with their outlining and coloring! Will you add sashing and borders to this? I really like the idea of using it to inspire next year's students!

  6. That's going to be a fun project--I hope you make your deadline! The kids are going to love it!

  7. Oh Wow....what amazing drawings finished by your clever students. What a fabulous quilt this will make. Can't wait to see it finished. Oh yes......most definitely this beauty needs to be enrolled into the County's a winner!!

  8. I can see why the kids love this project! Definitely something to be proud of and lots of fun to boot!

  9. Looks like so much fun with the kids. I've caught up with some reading. Let's hope you get the quilt sewn together in time..

  10. what a fun class project. The kids did a great job

  11. This is such a fantastic project! Your kids' drawings are great, and I love the idea that the quilt will show next year's students what they will learn about during that year. Your students are lucky to be in your class!

  12. It's going to be an awesome quilt. The kids did a great job with the pictures.

  13. This is so unbelievably awesome, Val. I wish we could clone you a million times so that EVERY child could have a teacher just like you!

  14. How fun for you and the students. I'm sure you wish they could all go home with one.

  15. The pictures are great and will make a fabulous quilt.

  16. That is SO great! I never thought of using a sharpie on a quilt instead of a fabric marker! But now that I think about it, Sharpies are permanent markers!

  17. I wish that I had a teacher like you when I was a kid!

  18. Well done with your project. I love that you are involving your students in quiltmaking!! I am also a grade two teacher (in BC) and for three years have done a quilt project with my class in which they got to make a mini quilt to take home. They drew a picture according to our theme, coloured with wax crayons, then worked with volunteers to add a border and quilt it simply (adults did the machine work). The students got to choose 4 buttons to sew on. This project has been a hit every year. They also helped design a quilt which was a gift for our student teacher this year. So many skills were learned and practiced in these projects. Also, I made an I spy quilt and backed it with minky- it sits on our "special helper" chair and is loved and snuggled with every day. Quilts and kids go together!!! Keep up the great work.

    Heather hdmac(at)telus(dot)net


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
