Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Tuesday Archives #165: Stitch in the Ditch/Retreat Reflections

Welcome to the linky party that rejuvenates your old quilting/sewing posts! 
Please click here to read more about this linky party.  
Val's Quilting Studio
Happy Tuesday everyone!
I dove into summer head first this year. This past month has found our life filled with all the joys of family visits, graduations, and Grammy Camp, all that I'm so grateful to have had. Yet, admittably, as I sit here on our patio this morning, I find myself filled with a sense of contentment as I finally greet the day slowly, with a cup of coffee at hand, my day not controlled by school bells. I can go to the bathroom, eat and do whatever I want when I want.
 With that said, as I went on my sewing retreat this past weekend it struck boldly that in the mist of teaching and adjusting to my husband's different work schedules, that I lost my time to be creative somewhere along the way. How does that happen? I'll be researching and reading about the answer to that very question and will be sure to share my "wisdom" gained here on the ol' blog. But, I can say, this weekend of sewing rejuvenated my creative spirit and I want that to continue.
I FINISHED my classroom quilt top:

I caught up on my May and June Scrap Dance sewing: 
I'm Stash Busting!!
I can't wait to see these come together next month.

And finally, I finished this QUEEN size lovely that I started at last year's retreat:
Need less to say I have quite a bit of quilting ahead of me as I set out to make these summer finishes.
I also came home with many new, crafty project ideas that were discovered through given demos. This makes me excited as they will add a fun variety to my daily creative habits. Stay tuned!
With that all said and done, I best get to to this week's linky huh.
      This week's theme is: STITCH in the DITCH
Image result for stitch in the ditch quilting tips

WIN quilt batting this summer. Click HERE to read how.

I specialize in edge to edge pantographs with over 100 designs to choose from.
Check out my Long-Arm Quilting page for details.
I offer FREE Return Shipping on all quilts in the U.S.A.
WIN quilt batting this summer. Click HERE to read how.


  1. I am super jealous of all your finishes -- I feel like I'm pulled in so many different directions right now that I can't accomplish ANYTHING!! Congratulations and good luck carving out regular creative time for yourself going forward. When you find the magic solution, please share it with the rest of us! :-)

  2. Love your Autumn French Roses! Nothing like a retreat (no housework, no cooking!) to get stuff done. Now that you've settled into Summer, I think you'll get your creative groove back. I'm trying to do the same thing by being mindful of what I want to do and trying to have things ready to go so I actually get to do them. Good luck and Happy Summer!

  3. You really made the most of your time at the retreat, so many nice finishes. I love the classroom quilt, what a treasure.

  4. Your classroom quilt looks fabulous! So glad your retreat was productive for you. Scrap Dance looks great--I can't wait to see how it comes together.

  5. As a recently retired teacher, I think I know where all of your creative energy has been these past months-lesson planning and teaching. At least for me-teaching was not by the book. The book was the guide and I tried to create interesting lessons and activities for my elementary students. The fact you have so many quilting projects to share just means you have creativity to spare.

  6. I love your French Roses quilt! About the time you started yours and told about adding the nine patch to make it larger we were making it too in our guild. I saved all your info so I could make mine the same size as yours and I loved your idea. Well mine got put on the back burner after a few blocks but now I'm ready to start working on it again. Hugs,

  7. Bathroom when needed? A teacher's dream. Retirement treasure. Ah, the simple pleasures of life!

    I really think that time is the secret. Available time. Time we allow or alot ourselves. Action vs inaction. Commitments vs personal "me" time. I can't wait to see what you come up with Val!

  8. I'm doing a happy dance, seeing your class quilt! The turquoise sashing is PERFECT! And wow, your Scrap Dance blocks are gorgeous! You have a real eye for getting the mix of colors just right in scrappy pieces :)

  9. so many lovely makes here the children are going to be thrilled when they see their quilt. Stitch in the ditch ha ha I not mastered that seem to be everywhere but in the ditch and end up unpicking it

  10. I didn't want to join in on the 2 step quilt but it didn't happen. As for stitching in the ditch. I'm not that good at it so I would rather do an all over...

  11. Wow, you've been busy. Love them, especially the classroom one.

  12. So many beautiful finishes! Love that classroom quilt and that queen sized quilt is a treasure.

  13. Fabulous progress on your retreat!! I love your Scrap Dance colors, and your applique queen top is gorgeous!


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
