Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween!

Lordy! What am I doing?!?!?!?!?
Okay, truth be told, my daughter made this Batman costume last week for a Fall Festival we went to and then insisted I wear it to school for our "super-hero" themed Halloween. Arg!
 I had honestly planned on just wearing a t-shirt and jeans to school today! But so far...I've been a big hit! The kids love it!! So lesson learned: Sometimes it's GOOD to push yourself out of your comfort (or in my case, "effort" ) zone. So with that said, Happy Halloween guys!
 I hope a few cute trick-or-treaters make your day today.

I specialize in edge to edge pantographs with over 100 designs to choose from.

Check out my Long-Arm Quilting page for details.
I offer FREE Return Shipping on all quilts in the U.S.A.

Monday, October 30, 2017

I'm Happily Back!

I sure missed my routines of blogging and sewing. But, I'm also so grateful I had the foresight to put so much on hold as we enjoyed family fun with our daughter, SIL and grand-guy as they stayed with us this past month during their transition. We so admire their patience as they make this big move with a wee one on the way! Wow! So much has happened.
Our grand-guy turned four! ( I didn't get his spiderman quilt done in time, but luckily, four year olds really don't know the difference and he'll be excited whenever it does get done.)

My niece's college volleyball team played in town. Good to see her!

I had the best little yard helper: 

He even earned $2.00 bucks for helping Meme pick up leaves...
...as he also enjoyed numerous rides to empty our cart into the "trash trailer".

My son-in-law and I finally had some time to enjoy a fresh brewed beer (or two)
as we caught up on his new job and the details of their move.

And of course, hanging out with Poppi is always a special treat.

It was also nice to have my very own "super-hero" to help me with my volunteer work as I made my bi-monthly trip to our local food bank to stock up on donations for our school backpack program.  I coordinate this program for some of our homeless students so they have food on the weekend. 

I'll sure miss our daily walks. Typical four-year old humor, he thought it was absolutely 
hilarious that Jackson would ride in the stroller with him!

Luckily we had the most prefect Fall weather and enjoyed the crinkle of the leaves under our feet.

Poppi will also miss his nightly hot chocolates with too many marshmallows and making him
rootbeer floats "without the ice-cream". (I know! We laughed too.)

This past weekend we found ourselves "wrapping up the month"  with a breakfast of  unlimited pumpkin pancakes and a morning of outdoor fun. (Note: Four year olds are sooo much fun!)

All this was followed by an afternoon of pumpkin carving.
 I can't wait to decorate the front lawn with these for Halloween. 
I also think they'd  make a cool quilt!
Sooo...this morning finds them on the road to their new home and 
though my heart is a little sad to see them go and he cried to leave...

...I'm looking forward to finally finishing that spiderman quilt and the one I got pieced for our new grand-guy who, as you can see, is due to arrive in just a couple of weeks!
November is going to be a special month for us.  I'm looking forward to sharing my November projects with you and catching up with all that you've been up to as well. Please do stay tuned as I soon become a Meme once again and this little guy becomes a BIG brother!
November's Tuesday Archives themes are posted on my sidebar. 
Val's Quilting Studio 

I specialize in edge to edge pantographs with over 100 designs to choose from.
Check out my Long-Arm Quilting page for details.
I offer FREE Return Shipping on all quilts in the U.S.A.

Friday, October 6, 2017

A Fall Break...

 Happy Fall!!
Fall is admittedly my very favorite time of year and how lucky I feel to have our daughter and 
grand-guy staying with us as their little family transitions in selling their home and moving during this festive time of year. (Oh, and yes a new baby due by Thanksgiving) With that said, I'm going to put Tuesday Archives on a brief vacation and well my blog too, as much of my time after work is being spent with this little guy. He loves to take Jackson for a walk with me. We routinely find ourselves filling our afternoons and evenings with books, paint, and well, just all around fun stuff that four year olds like to do! I'm sure I'll jump in here with updates of our time together every now and then...but just wanted to post that October will find me away from our "virtual" community of blogging/quilty friends. I know I'll miss it and you, but knew you'd understand.

I specialize in edge to edge pantographs with over 100 designs to choose from.
Check out my Long-Arm Quilting page for details.
I offer FREE Return Shipping on all quilts in the U.S.A.

Monday, October 2, 2017

Step away from the machine!

Yep! Yesterday was one of those days! 
I was looking forward to my "spiderman quilting" when, everything that could go wrong, did! 
The metallic thread kept breaking. "Somebody" really cute kept interrupting me and then finally, I jammed the machine. ARG! My hubby was so nice to help me take things apart to fix it. But I think I need to raise my presser foot a bit to accomidate for the thickness of the quilt??
To say the least, my grand guy is really excited about his birthday quilt and 
was pretty disappointed to not watch meme work on it.
With that said, I don't like to be watched as I quilt. LOL!!  I think it will be interesting how much sewing I'm going to get done after I finish this quilt and the baby quilt for our little due in November,  as he and our pregnant daughter will be staying with us for about six weeks as they await for their house to sell. (Insert joyful emoji!) I'm really looking forward to having them stay with us, as my husband and I haven't lived near family for atleast seven years and with Fall in the air, we are looking forward to the festivities of apple picking, hay rides, pumpkin farms and trick or treating. 
Plus, as empty nesters, it's wierd to have a full refrigerator once again.

I specialize in edge to edge pantographs with over 100 designs to choose from.

Check out my Long-Arm Quilting page for details.
I offer FREE Return Shipping on all quilts in the U.S.A.