Thursday, July 5, 2018

Let the Sorting Begin!

Opening all these will be like Christmas in July!
And with our afternoon temperature hitting 100 degrees...
this will be the perfect afternoon project as I begin to sort them out on our cool basement floor.

And thank YOU guys for a fun swap!
Ya gotta like Jeanna's "paper dividers" .
But really, a BIG thank you to everyone for participating in our eye-spy swap. You guys are the kindest people. Your notes and little surprises made opening all the packages truly feel like Christmas morning. You can each look forward to some fun happy mail next week as I plan to have all your returns in the mail on Monday, the 9th.
Also, attention piggy bank savers:
TOMORROW we count our change!!
July 6th we count our savings!!!


  1. I can't wait to get these back!!

  2. Wish I were closer - I'd pop right over to give you a hand!

  3. Squee!! Look at all those fun squares!! Yay!

  4. Oodles of fun fabric squares there. Have fun sorting and try to keep cool. =)

  5. I can NOT wait until my package arrives!!! I don't think I have much money in my Teddy Bear bank from this year's coin challenge...

  6. Lots of fun squares. What a great way to stay cool, playing with fabric!

  7. Oh lots of neat eye spy fabrics. Looking forward to getting my package! Glad you liked my message :)


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
