Thursday, June 6, 2019

Summer Quilting....

Good thing about having an empty studio is having plenty of room to prep quilts....
We have an Open House to promote our house sale this weekend, and I plan to keep my long-arm up until our house does sell. With that said, I plan to use my summer sew time to quilt the two charity quilts I have committed to and the few finished tops I do have before I take down my long-arm for an upcoming extended period of time. I did finish quilting my Anne Downs yesterday and just need to bind it before I share it here. I'm also hoping to finish sewing my Lori Holt Bee Happy top as it would be perfect to hang in the laundry room of our new home and I'd like to create a lap quilt for my mom before Lizzie goes into deep hibernation
Honestly, this is really the first time in our downsizing process that I find myself wondering how much I'll miss the convenience of my studio? Time will tell, as I'm sure I will in some ways. But in others, I continue to find myself embracing this transformation in my life. Stay tuned!
And for those of you still hanging on with me...we count our change July 6th!
We count our change on July 6th!


  1. I find it a little sad now that I see the 'space'. Still using your time to creat is good. How sweet little Jackson cuddled in the middle of the work.

  2. I think downsizing is always good, esp. later in life.
    I am excited to see how much I saved for the challenge. I sure would like to buy some zoomy fabric.

  3. I'm staying tuned in, LOL. Life with Val . . . Her new adventures.
    Be happy and here's to a speedy sale of your home :)

  4. Good luck with the house selling. I think if I had a long arm,I would have a hard time giving it up. So many quilter's are moving house these days.

  5. It took me a moment to adjust to the scale of the room. I thought, "Did she get a guinea pig? What is that tiny creature in the blanket??" Oh, that's an entire empty room with big quilts on the floor! Enjoy that space for now and then be glad you won't have to clean as much space later :)

  6. Lots of life changes. Good thoughts and prayers sent your way.

  7. Fingers crossed for your open house weekend, Val.You must be getting very excited now!

  8. It's great to see you blogging again 👌💗 I hope the house sells soon so you can get settled in to your new downsized home 😃

  9. I imagine it will take some time getting used to a smaller space, and not having your longarm right at hand. But you will find adjustments! Best wishes for getting your house sold quickly, and for the price you want. I don't about your area, but over here it's a seller's market!

  10. Darling Jackson in your quilt prep, LOL!! Glad you are still able to do a bit of sewing before it all gets packed away for a bit. Hopefully the unpacking will be soon after the move.

  11. Val, you truly have been missed. Hoping that you continue to quilt, and get moved soon. Please keep this blog. Opening a new blog would be wonderful as well, just please stay online. I love that little black white and grey quilt top in your post image.

  12. I'm so jealous of your space but not at all jealous of the moving.:) So tough to stay creative in that environment!

  13. I glad you will have to finish up with your quilting-I would think you would really miss your long arm and studio-but then you can always go back to quilting on your sewing machine-hugs to you

  14. I was confused by the photo until I realised the quilts were on the floor not a table. I'm a little jealous of all that space but space seems to breed 'stuff' and I'm seriously trying to de-clutter at the moment


I have to admit, your comments make me smile! Thanks for sharing and for letting me know you stopped by. I Hope your day is awesome!
